Fact - everything ends - whether it be good or bad. Everything has a starting point and an ending point. Linear time. Fact - this too shall pass. No thing or no circumstances can last forever. Again, everything has a starting point and an ending point. Although a starting point and/or an ending point may not occur in our lifetime, it still must end at some point. False - we shall overcome. There is no guarantee that anyone can or will overcome any or every situation that arises. Just because a situation will eventually end (as stated above), that does not necessarily mean it was "overcome".
Have we made any progress at in our content Shuhak or only in our packaging? It seems the racists never went away they just went underground and now with the Donald John Trump they've been brought out of the slime and mud to walk beside him. I dunno. It is beyond depressing to contemplate how many of "THEM" there are in the world. SIGH. Thank you for your reply. I guess I'm gonna ask.