Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» The most EVIL DEPRAVED VILE pedophiles are those who represent GOD among the clergy. Why are so many drawn to the church? EASY ACCESS?
In other words, if Heroin addicts had the energy to do what pedophiles do? They would be in heaven.
Pedophiles have the drive of a junkie to get MORE and MORE dope. Their dope is young kids. To have sex with. To make slaves of.
Heroin addicts take a drug that makes them slaves. Pedophiles are empty soulless morons who need a FIX of LIFE and youth to make up for what they lack. They hate the victim. They are jealous of the thing that makes them human. And beautiful. These ugly beasts are UGLY inside where there is no plastic surgery. They stink in places that cannot be washed. That is why they are attracted to what they are the exact opposite of. They cannot hope to ever BE a child or innocent or beautiful, so they enslave them. they parade beautiful kids around so other adult predators can admire and drool at what a fantastic Svengali someone like Jeffrey F. must be to be able to hold young women in sway like this.
I digress. Pedophiles are predators. Stalkers. And junkies. The most deadly mix anyone can have in their personal makeup. This is the worst type of pig on the planet because there is nothing they won't buy and nothing to get in their way. They will find a way to get rich or get by in a position of trust and power. And hide in plain sight.
Look at Ted Bundy. He was a law student, He was in politics. Trusted by politicians. Respected. Anything to keep his cover from being exposed. So, it isn't just being a priest, or a school counselor. They are CLEVER. This is all they think about.
That is why wicked Uncle Ernie is so wicked. He is not even looked at as a suspect.
This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at August 15, 2019 3:23 AM MDT
I got lost . Sorry. They are predators. They hunt out the most advantageous lifestyle to suit their needs. Places of power. I can think of no worse offense than to represent GOD and do evil. But it is the perfect foil.
The BTK killer was President or something of his church. He was not a pedophiile, he was worse. But the idea that people TRUSTED him is what he was always looking for.
No worries. That's what is so especially EVIL about them. The seek to be in places of power over people who believe in them. Bad enough in the Boy Scouts or sports but in the church it is reprehnsible. Thank you for your reply Sharon! :)
You could rephrase that to say "...are those who pretend (to) represent God...".
These degenerates try to use God's name to hide their debauchery. They deceive innocent children just to gratify their perverse desires. They not only profane God's holy name, but they cause others to eschew Him. How many people turn or have turned away from God, or want nothing to do with Him because of what they see these sadistic charlatans do? They are tools of Satan, having fully given themselves over to him in exchange for lustful pleasure. What better place to hide than in a "religious" environment? A place where people trust they and their children are safe from the "outside world". A place where no one should question them or their actions. Wolves among lambs.
One can rephrase anything one wants to, but that does not necessarily mean the rephrasing is at all accurate.
Unless of course one is somehow qualified to judge other humans as to their understanding, intent, and degree of psychopathy---a forensic psychiatrist comes to mind.
No pedophillic priest has the power to make me or any other church member turn away from God. I suspect Satan reaps many more souls from those who use any convenient excuse to turn away from God---such as the conduct of individual clergy---than he does from those clergy themselves.
And you say "They are tools of Satan, having fully given themselves over to him in exchange for lustful pleasure."
In case you aren't aware, lustful pleasure is the wonderful result of a good marriage---the administration of such "lustful pleasure" being the primary way in good marriages that partners express their love for each other, heal each other, forgive each other, and make life worth living for each other.
Takeaway---Pedophillic clergy is a quite serious issue, but the primary concern needs to be for our own individual salvation---for which we alone are responsible for what we do.
How is one supposed to "judge" pedophilia? As a good thing?
True, no one has the power to turn anyone away from God. Only an individual can do that for themselves (the "power" of choice). However, a priest or any other member of the"church" can influence another to turn away from God. By their words and/or actions. If, for example, I saw a so called "church" whose members practiced child sacrifice, I would assumethat their "god" condoned that sort of thing (whether it was true or not). That would disgust me and I would want to worship that "god". (I'm over exaggerating the scenario to prove a point). That kind of action would be a big stumbling block. Right or wrong, people judge the "church" from what they see its "members" do.
Unless I'm mistaken, lust is strongly condemned in scripture. One can (and should) "enjoy" their spouse. God expects us to do that (He created sex and sexual desire). However, one should not lust over their mate.
I agree with your takeaway, although I think we should also be concerned for others as well. Personally, I don't want anyone to be separated from God - not now, and definitely not for eternity. This is why we share the Good News with others! Yes, we alone are responsible for our actions not the actions of others. My point was that the actions of these people cast a dim light on the "church" (the "church" being God's people on earth). I've talked to many people who cite things like this as a reason (excuse?) for their staying away from religion. It's hard enough to tell others the Good News when this is the kind of stuff they see. Unfortunately, most people focus on the bad and not the good. If out of 1,000 people in the "church", 999 are doing good things and are helping others and following God the best they can, and 1 person isn't, people (outside the church) will focus on that 1 bad person.
The evil they do is sanctified by the church when its members cover up the reprehensible sin of preying on little children and moving them around from place to place thus enabling them and facilitating them while they commit evil IN THE CHURCH. They are guilty guilty guilty guilty guilty. I'm gonna ask a WHAT IF Shuhak about this. You'll recognize it. Thank you for your thoughtful reply!:)
This post was edited by RosieG at August 19, 2019 2:49 AM MDT
God has chosen to use human beings (who are all imperfect) to minister to other imperfect human beings.
What Satan delights in is the the ownership of those souls that he acquires when so many leave the church because of what is on the one hand a serious issue, but which in the overall picture of their own personal salvation is a distraction engendered by Satan in his attempt to continually thwart God.
If one judges the Church by those whom God has ordained (in his infinite wisdom) to represent the Church with His blessing, it is God whom you reject.
No pedo was ever chosen by God to represent His church. Jesus said anyone who hurts the child who believes in Him, it would be better for them to have a millstone around their neck and thrown into the sea than to have allowed themselves to have commit such a sin.
I know God does not choose an evil child abuser to represent Him. Jesus said for them to kill themselves before harming a child. Yes, I know what Jesus said and I will always trust Him. Jesus most certainly knows the Father's mind and will. And Jesus had no problem calling out the evil and hypocrites in the church.
Where did I judge anyone's salvation? I make no judgements to Heaven or Hell...there is only one judge and I am not it.
This post was edited by my2cents at August 19, 2019 2:50 AM MDT
It's pretty easy to figure out what Jesus would say.
Just look into the best within the conscience. The problem with the RELGIOUS NUTBAGS (NOT YOU, I Do Not SEE YOU THAT WAY AT ALL) but the nutbags seem to want to define Jesus in their own terms and make their own religion because everything is so vague when you lack basic common SENSE.
Like Trump, nutbags like to confuse and divide. So they argue in ways that JESUS would NEVER EVER AGREE WITH.
I like what you basically say about God and religion. I can at least get where you are coming from. It's when you get it mixed in with love of Trump that things go haywire.
So if Christ appeared to you in the guise of a pedophiliac, you would not recognize Him?
Child abuse is an evil act; but being attracted to children and acting on that attraction are quite different things. "Hate the sin, not the sinner" is the injunction--- having pedophilia is not evil in and of itself.
Pedophilia---a person may have a pedophilic sexual orientation but not pedophilic disorder.
"Evil child abusers" is a judgment, not a statement of fact.
Better to let Christ deal with the aggravating and mitigating circumstances that may exist and decide on the weight of that millstone.
We are talking about preists who acted on it. Not thought about it. God in His wisdom did not call these men to represent Him. The Bible tells us what actions are wrong and harming a child is certainly one of them.
Again calling a sin a sin is not judging. The does not tell me to measure the millstone....it says that sinner who harmed that child should have been the one to measure their own stone if they are not able to stop themselves from abusing a child. I am not judging anyone to hell or attacking a millstone to anyone. That is not my place. But the Bible does say it is our job to correct a sinner who is a believer. These preists just by being preists are claiming to be a believer. In Matt 18 Jesus tells us to correct our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Jesus told us to correct our brothers and sisters if they fall into sin. Even goes as far as to say if they refuse to repent and correct it they should be cast out.
I am a Christian. And I follow Jesus. I am sorry the Catholic church did not follow Jesus' teaching in Matt.
I suppose you would have Paul cast out of the church as well.
Paul also taught not to allow such sin in the church. 1 Cor 5 3For my part, even though I am not physically present, I am with you in spirit. As one who is present with you in this way, I have already passed judgment in the name of our Lord Jesus on the one who has been doing this.
........11 But now I am writing to you that you must not associate with anyone who claims to be a brother or sister but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or slanderer, a drunkard or swindler. Do not even eat with such people.
12What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside?
13God will judge those outside. “Expel the wicked person from among you.”
......This is what the Catholic church leaders should have done to the child abusers in their ranks.