According to voting turnout the USA is abysmally bad when compared to other countries. Many of Donald John Trump's beloved 'SH**HOLE COUNTRIES" put us to shame when it comes to voting. We are down down down about the zillionith on the list and other countries put us to shame. Our turnout during presidential election years is barely 50% of those who are eligible to vote. In non-prez-election years it's even worse. We are an embarrassment globally.
Unless you force people to do the right thing few will do it. What is wrong with requiring eligible voters to vote? We require eligible drivers to get driver's licenses. It makes no sense to me that we are so lazy and uninterested in being good citizens. Some take no interest at all in what's going on and cannot be bothered to find out. Lazy uninformed uninterested. No wonder we are such easy pickings for hostile foreign governments to have their way with us. Anyone out there care? Do you vote at every election INCLUDING mid-terms? If you don't you don't give sh**! Period. The question then is WHY?