Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The chump threatens ANTIFA (anti-Fascists) with a label of TERRORIST. Proves what a dingbat crackpot he is. Why?

The chump threatens ANTIFA (anti-Fascists) with a label of TERRORIST. Proves what a dingbat crackpot he is. Why?

Well most all domestic terrorist massacres are committed by White Nationalist RACIST Domestic Terrorists.

The latest and worst of which being El Paso where 22 died and the White Nationalist Racist Domestic Terrorist was quoted as using language used by chump at his white nationalist racist hate rallies. Coindink? Ya think? Rinkydinkystinkythinky if you do..

So chump is willing to label a group that hasn't massacred anyone as TERRORIST  but not label an entire species of evildoers who are committing the atrocities all the time? That is his crackpot wackadoodle solution.

Posted - August 19, 2019


  • 2706
    They are a domestic terrorism organization. Do the research. However, the feds need to stay away from this situation. State and local police, not the feds, are the best protection we have against domestic terror. And we need the feds to fight foreign terror. The violent radical leftist group that goes by the Orwellian name “Antifa” (anti-fascist) “is thuggish in its tactics and totalitarian in its sensibility. 

     Section 2331(5) of the U.S. penal code defines domestic terrorism as activities that occur primarily within the United States; that “involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State”; and that “appear to be intended” to accomplish at least one of the following three objectives: 1. To intimidate or coerce a civilian population. 2. To influence a state or federal government policy by intimidation or coercion; or 3.To affect such a government’s conduct by “mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping.”

     Antifa arguably intends all three. While domestic terrorism is definedin federal law, it is not criminalized as such — unlike international terrorism. Nor, significantly, does federal law prescribe a formal designation process for domestic terrorist organizations, as it does for foreign terrorist organizations. There are very good reasons for this. I would suggest that you research that if you are so inclined. There are federal-law processes for designating foreign and international terrorism because defending against foreign threats to national security is primarily a federal responsibility.

      Regardless of our disparate political views, we Americans draw the line at violent extortion that eviscerates our right to speak, assemble, and engage in constitutionally protected political activity. Antifa is trying to do just that very thing.
      August 19, 2019 10:58 AM MDT