*Or Jehovah or Buddha or Zoroaster or whatever name your religion calls its Supreme Being.
They ARE NOT supposed to advise you about politics or finances or what you wear or eat or what entertainment you like or your hobbies or your clothing or your feelings or absolve you from your sins over and over and over and over and over and over again. That's prtentious arrogant and way out of line.
Their EXPERTISE should be focused on centered on devoted to GOD. They are students too. Or should be.
So the pretend holy men who wax on and on about despot dictators and how GOD sent them to you are all full of sh**. Make no mistake about it. They are not in the correct lane and not in the correct place and certainly are stepping way out of bounds. Phonies who demand that you worship them as GOD's representative on earth. Do you? How much away from their job do you let them get away with? WHY?