Discussion » Statements » HOW I believe spirituality works in my life. The other side sends me messages. Through birds.

HOW I believe spirituality works in my life. The other side sends me messages. Through birds.

I have eight birds.  One of them is a beautiful green parakeet with a yellow head.

He is a vital happy fellow.  

I was at work the day before yesterday and I walked towards the front door and see this amazing bird.  It was not a bird I ever saw around this area. I never saw a bird like this in 25 years down here.  He was a beautiful emerald green finch-type bird with bright yellow  head and he was dead at the foot of the door of the salon.

I felt so sad.  I picked him up and moved him to a planter.

When I got home, my green parakeet had died.  

I think the Universe sent me a message.  I think Green Bird was saying farewell to me.

Posted - August 20, 2019


  • I love birds.
    I love that story.

    I love you, Sharonna.

      August 20, 2019 3:44 PM MDT

  • 46117
    This really happened and it happens a lot.  

    I loved Greenie.  He was so happy and sweet and took care of his wife Cola. I don't know what she is going to do now. They were  inseparable.

    And of course I totally love everything about you.    And that goat boy.  He's okay too.  

    BYE Greenie, RIP.

    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at August 20, 2019 5:57 PM MDT
      August 20, 2019 5:08 PM MDT

  • 8285
    I don't feel led to reveal my message.  Maybe someday. 
      August 21, 2019 4:17 AM MDT