I have no problem with intelligent people. God bless 'em. Sometimes when I look around these days I think we need more smart people. I'm not sure I rise to the level of being counted as one. What I do have a problem with is people who, as a direct result of their education or supposed intelligence, developing an elitist attitude. THAT, I don't like. THAT, I think sucks. Education should be valued, unfortunately I think we are dumbing down. What are they so scared of, I wonder?
Love ya!
This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at August 22, 2019 2:34 AM MDT
Ever since I can remember I have sought to surround myself with very smart people Twink. I find them immeasurably appealing. That's how I learn best by interacting with them as they share their knowledge or views or opinions. I've been superduper lucky in my life in that way. I revere and respect logic and truth and intelligence. All of which are sadly lacking in chump and his cabal et al. I don't include myself among them because I"m not a genius by any means. I am smart enough however to value intelligence. Thank you for your reply Twink and Happy Thursday m'dear! LUV YA BACK! :)