Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Jewish people are being weaponized for chump's use/abuse to further his political agenda. Would you like him to use/abuse you too? Why?
I want him to KEEP offending tribes of people who can cast their votes for the DEMOCRATS. That's what I want.
KEEP IT UP TRUMP. PLEASE keep stinking up the air with your foul dictates. Keep smelling up the air so badly that no member of your STINKING Administration can stand the foul air any longer and run for the fresh light of truth.
Keep spraying the air with your STENCH. You are braying and spraying yourself right out of office.
To his adoring worshippers the gut-wrenching nausaeating stench is perfume. An elixir for thE nose. A balm for the soul. Whatcha gonna do? Skunk sells. Thank you for your reply and the graphic Sharon. Skunk stench rigged an election and put a fake "prez" in office with the help of a foreign hostile nation bent on destroying America. I'm gonna ask a question about rich people and the eye of the needle. You read it here first! :)