Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» The chump is either the second coming of Christ or a tribulation that God is using to test us. I think it's the latter! You?
All the stories we have co-created WITH GOD, since the BIBLE itself, all the myths we have foretold that can happen, have happened.
Look at the Lord of the Rings. We are on a razor's edge right now one side good, one side ORCS TROLLS AND SAURON AND, on the other side? Elves, Men, Hobits and the like. Do you love the earth and nature versus ORCS keeping TRUMP in power to literally rape and pillage in the name of progress and growth according to TRUMP design? LET'S buy GREENLAND or HELL TO PAY if you say NO. WHO DOES THIS PIG THINK HE IS?????
Then there is every Sci-Fi story where the Government takes over and makes our lives HELL and we are it's prisoners. That is where we are headed.
We have Evangelicals who have hoisted up the DEVIL to support their needs and their politics and are saying that GOD wills this.
There are all kinds of tests we face in life Sharon. If we pass them we move up. If we don't we stay whre we are or lose ground. Does GOD watch chump's back? I dunno. But if GOD is the person I think HE is he is watching the backs of the good not the evil. If GOD supported an abomination like chump everything I ever believed about HIM would have been wrong. My earliest memories of Sunday School? GOD IS LOVE. At the age of 12 I taught Sunday School to the little kids and what did I tell them? GOD IS LOVE. So if GOD IS LOVE then GOD is appalled at the abomination we have as our prez. GOD could smite chump and take him out by natural means but I think he wants to see how we react to this cancer. It is a test of who support evil and who will die trying to fight it. So between you and me while I pity his supporters for the fate that awaits them I am very glad they will pay for their abominable judgment. They CHOSE the dark side. I hope we live long enought to find which is which. Well maybe not. If GOD truly support chump I would far rather die not knowing. SIGH. Thank you for our reply. If GOD is the PERSON I BELIEVE HE IS then chump will pay bigly for his sins as will all thosen who facilitate enable supporters cheered on the abomination. "The president is a raving lunatic". I am quoting a legislator. After all chump says he is the King of Israel, the second coming of Jesus and The Chosen One. If anyone thinks someone who sez that is mentally healthy well all I can say is how stoopid dumb are you? Thank you for your reply Sharon.
This post was edited by RosieG at August 22, 2019 12:08 PM MDT
The easiest way to find GOD? Just know He ONLY supports THE GOOD. Despite what I was saying, GOD knows our hearts. The trouble with the demented demons, their hearts are no longer connected to their minds. So we have TRUMP.
The Bible does not reveal specifically who the Antichrist is, speaking instead of his corrupt teachings. In 2 Thessalonians 2, Paul prophesied of a “man of sin,” a liar and deceiver whose natural abilities Satan enhances by supernatural power in order to confuse people in the end time. In addition, Christ inspired John to write of a “false prophet” to come at the end time (Revelation 13:1-18; Revelation 16:13; Revelation 19:20).
(Edit---I haven't forgotten about answering your question.)
This post was edited by tom jackson at August 22, 2019 12:08 PM MDT
I thought so several years ago and I said so here. A prodon said no the bible says the antichrist will come from somewhere else. I don't know tom. He is the most antichrist stoopid dumb homo sap there ever was. Just in the past couple of days he repeats what a mental defect said about him...he is the KING OF ISRAEL and the Jews love him as if he were the second coming of Jesus. Today he says he is the CHOSEN ONE. How is that not antithetical to everything GOD represents? He is a crackpot wackadoodle which is what he always has been. The shocking thing is that so many gullibles cleave unto him and worship him and adore him and support him and defend him. Some of them call themselves CHRISTIANS. I do not think GOD will be pleased with that. I don't know for sure and I certainly do not speak for GOD. However GOD gave me this brain and mind so in a way I am simply using what HE gave me. SIGH. I wonder what abomination comes next? That a person who sees himself as Jesus Christ is the antichrist would not shock me. Thank you for your reply tom and Happy Thursday to thee! :)
I remember seeing some sort of program on TV many, many years ago about the "end times" and it highly suggested that the Antichrist would arise from the Middle East Region.
I think that followed a resurgence of interest in the prophecies of Edgar Cayce (called The Sleeping Prophet).
Just something I've remained aware of (like stuff about "ancient aliens"), but which does not modify my philosophy.
I did NOT ignore that. I did not. But the sentiment is the same. They act like GOD has landed just for THEM. TO SAVE THEM AND REWARD THEM FOR THEIR RIGHTEOUSESS.
Antichrist will oppose Israel and her people. He will set up his office in Jerusalem and claim to be God. Yes and the whole world will follow after the Antichrist. ....President Trump does not fit these descriptions. We cannot simply take a verse amd ignore the rest.
In mid-October 2018, the United States Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced that the Embassy in Jerusalem would be merging with the US Consulate-General in Jerusalem into a single mission.
By indicating his comfort with being called "King of Israel" and by declaring himself "the chosen one" in connection with China, he is probably preparing the world to believe him when he announces that he is god---very much like Hitler did.
And then we can expect him to move his office from Trump tower to Jerusalem.
I'll back you up on this one m2c. He is not without his flaws but he fails to meet the scriptural criteria for the embodiment of the Anti-Christ...so far. Things change though and I constantly pray for wisdom. I love the discussion the two of you are having because most people dismiss this topic outright and many of those who do believe are considered to exist on a loony fringe. I believe we should all remain vigilant. If we're gonna proclaim to believe scripture then we should also attempt to be well versed in it. People have been trying to "out" world leaders as the Anti-Christ for a long time, and still we wait having not yet reached Armageddon. Now, If they rebuild a temple and he swaggers into it proclaiming those words on the heels of a peace accord in that land, and an enforcement of allegiance by way of a mark becomes law, then I may be more inclined to shudder, but only for a moment. Slowly and methodically over time the pieces are falling in to place and regardless of weather it is Trump, or Obama, or Clinton, or any other person in power, I believe that they are all working within the confines of God's Holy plan and nothing is going to happen be it seemingly good or bad that is outside of his parameters. The way is being prepared for the eventual reign of the Anti-Christ. I truly believe that. I study and see it. I also believe Trump may be doing his part quite well but he is not the sole player in this grand story. We'll see if his ego eventually positions himself as such. In the meantime, until the day I see him face to face I choose to keep my heart focused on Jesus. He is eternal. Satan and his counterfeit kingdom were doomed from the start.
This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at August 23, 2019 1:43 PM MDT
Glad you are following. And adding Bible information as well. I think the AC cannot be as old as Trump. The temple is not built and the Dome of the Rock is still on the temple mount.
I am thinking the Bible says the AC will be a king who never had a kingdom as well. But cannot find it right now. But if that is the case it eliminates all Presidents and Prime Ministers in the world. I know that takes the wind out of the sails of some political types who always want to call the other sides leader the AC.
What doesn't fit? He just said he was the CHOSEN ONE. That is close enough. He thinks GOD CHOSE HIM. He has said he was THE SECOND COMING? THOSE WHO SAY HE IS THE KING OF THE JEWS, he supports and brags about it?
He is on a tightrope and he thinks he is on a sidewalk.
HE BOUGHT ISRAEL for silver. And The ANTI-CHRIST is alive and kicking.
Trump is the DEVIL at WORK. SCUM. And God is not worried about his place on the Throne.
He did not claim he was King or the 2nd coming....a radio host tweeted it saying how much Jews in Israel love Trump. Trump retweeted because it said the people their love him.
As TD said we are still waiting for the peace treaty, the temple, the mark of the beast etc.....and it says the whole world will love the AC does that fit Trump to a T?
People have been known to build an entire movement or start a religious sect over one scripture taken out of context and misused. Not only that, anyone who thinks that this current day measures up to the coming Tribulation had better fasten their seat belt and adjust their helmet cause they ain't seen nothin' yet.
I think he is the natural result of generations of an election system controlled by 2 private groups, who have sown constant divisiveness among The People ... and ignored the Constitution whenever it suited them ... solely to maintain their power and elitism.
Yes. That is the foundation for the big reveal. If you have SATAN doing nothing, there is no reason to notice. If you have SATAN being SATAN, evidence in the form of graft and corruption will manifest into a monster.
Nope. President Trump is not God nor a god. He was not sent by God as a tribulation either. He is being used of God to protect Israel in these times. As is prophesied in the Bible.
So that's it, huh? Something that was written 2,000 years ago, LONG AFTER The GITA and LONG after the Sanskrit teachings, THE BIBLE says TRUMP is coming.
Have you considered that he already has then accomplished his feat? He has done his loathsome job. So he is now useless and disposable.
Your God acts just like Trump would. LOCK HIM UP. He was useful and your God thinks the END JUSTIFIES THE MEANS.
Were did I say the Bible mentions Trump specifically? No I did not say that. The Bible does say specifically that the eagle will protect the woman Irsael in Rev. Who is the EAGLE? The USA is the eagle and we have been Israel's protector since the rebirth of their nation. Trump is being used to solidify that protection. Perhaps he will get the peace treaty as well. We will have to wait and see. And be ready of course.
I should not laugh. The stuff I know to be true is very outrageous. The thing is we are both right but we see the outcome differently. I see Trump as the DEVIL incarnate and you see him as an honest Joe trying to do what is right.
I know my idea of him is accurate and yours is flawed beyond reckoning. That is why I am making those HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA's.
It is hard to explain prophesy. And your ideas are no weirder than anyone's.
And we can make a case that, like the stories in the Old Testament of God using foreign nations to "straighten out" Israel ... Germany was responsible for the modern state of Israel more than the USA was.
German relations with Israel are (IMO) stronger than America's. (likely, in part, due to their national guilt over the Holocaust) Germany - Israel relations
This post was edited by Walt O'Reagun at August 22, 2019 2:41 PM MDT