Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Ever lie about your age either upper or downer? By how much and why?

Ever lie about your age either upper or downer? By how much and why?

Posted - August 23, 2019


  • 10750
    Nope, never.  I never drank, so there was no lying about age there.  I didn't care about seeing R-rated movies, so no lying there either.  Even though I've always looked much younger than my real age (I look like I'm in my mid 40's) I never found a need to lie about my real age (who needs a senior discount anyway?).
      August 23, 2019 4:31 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I tell everyone how old I am and always have. Currently I am 81 and will be 82 in a couple of months. My family and friends have always teased me about it. They say I say "Hi. My name is Rosie and I'm 40 or my name is Rosie and I'm 60 or my name is Rosie and I'm 81 going on 82". It's true. I don't know why I do that. Is it bragging? I dunno. I think maybe I'm happy to be me at any age and also lucky so I start with that. It is a slight exaggeration to say that I ALWAYS start off that way but I've always looked younger than my age as an adult and maybe I am bragging on some level. Could be. I don't lie about anything that makes me out to be more than I am. My great fear would be to cause people to expect a lot more of me than I can deliver. I'd rather understate and surprise/please them than overstate and disappoint them. I'm open about many things as by now you can attest to Shuhak. I spent many years isolated due to shyness and maybe I'm trying to make up for it. I don't fear disclosing anything on the internet. Many people are so fearful they never tell you where they live or what they do or the names of their family members. Fearful of what? I wonder. What can anyone do to me that I should be afraid to say what I think where I live who I am? Nothing. Thank you for your reply Shuhak. It's funny when I was younger I looked older..more mature. I was never carded. My mom said that when I got older I'd look younger and I thought she was crazy! Nope. She wasn't! Once again mom was right! :)
      August 24, 2019 2:38 AM MDT