Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» I give you three options TRUE BELIEVERS. God is testing us, playing a joke on us or has abandoned us to satan. Why else a chump in charge?
He's" in charge" because WE put him there! WE have the power of choice. WE make our own decisions, and WE must suffer any consequences for those choices - good or bad! We cannot blame God for our own stupidity! When things go right we love to take full credit. But when things go wrong we quickly look for a scapegoat. God is not a scapegoat!
God created us. God motivates. God watches over us. Why would he not protect us from evil and deliver us from it? I don't scapegoat by simply asking the question Shuhak. You accuse me of something just because I ask a question? Seriously? Whatever. Thank you for your reply. My oh my oh my. :(
No, no, no... I was not accusing you of anything. The "we" was referring to all people (myself included).
Yes, God created us. Yes, God watches over us. However, God doesn't always protect us from the consequences of our bad choices. If one were to cheat on their taxes and get caught, they shouldn't expect God to save them from the consequences. He may help that person through the consequences, but not necessarily stop them from occurring. We (as in human beings) have the tendency of shifting blame for negative consequences of our actions. Many times we (again, as in human beings) shift that blame to God or to another person (i.e., a scapegoat). Back in the Garden of Eden when God asked them what they'd done (eating the forbidden fruit), Eve shifted blame to the snake. Adam shifted blame to Eve. Human nature hasn't changed.
Apologies for misunderstanding. Again though m'dear I am just asking a question. I am not making any accusations. I am NOT placing any BLAME on GOD. HE has a purpose. I just wonder what the purpose of the prez we have is. He is by far the vastly worst homo sap we could possibly be burdened with. Every day in office he eats up a little more of us. Are we being tested? If so we are failing miserably. Is GOD playing a joke on us? That was tongue-in-cheek. I doubt that GOD would do that. To accuse would mean I have specific knowledge that would justify doing that and I do not. Has HE once again become so disgusted with homo saps HE washed HIS hands of us? Instead of a flood or fire or otherwise HE simply lets us destroy ourselves by following evil? If there is a 4th possibility please tell me. It is knowledge I seek when I ask my questions and sometimes someone provides me with an answer that makes sense. Thank you for your reply Shuhak and Happy Monday! :)
There is a 4th option. Since the 1990's, this country has gone out of its way to try and eradicate God from within its borders. We (as in American people in general) have become greedy, self-serving, hateful of others, haughty, adulterous, idolaters, who proudly embrace things/ways that He calls detestable. Perhaps God gave us exactly what we wanted - a nation without Him. A nation ruled by greed and selfishness. A nation where people aren't forgiving, but instead exact their own justice (i.e. if someone offends you, kill them). This once great nation is becoming soaked in the blood of the innocent (abortions, refugees, murders, etc.). Many of its workers are being cheated out of their wages (the rich get richer off the backs of the poor). God hears their cries for justice. Perhaps by giving us what we want, He is letting us "slit our own theroars" (so to speak).