RACISTS and BIGOTS hate different things?
A racist hates based on skin color and a bigot hates based on religion or sexual orientation.
A racist is probably also a bigot. Are bigots probably also racists?
So how many homo saps are either racists or bigots. More than the number who are not? Do more people hate the "other" than don't? Any stats available on this very important subject? Are the hate-based growing in number? It seems so or they are just getting more press and are more balsy because they are open about it.
They march and chant carrying signs of hatred. They attend rallies and cheer and shout and chant and clap.
It seems they are engulfing the world. Are they superduper babymakers whom they "educate" to hate in the womb and never stop?
Children born to haters racists bigots are marked tainted stained hobbled crippled. How many of them survive the hate and escape to a place where they reject it? How much strength does that take to shun where you came from and start anew elsewhere? I know. It's complicated. Any of you escape that hate? If so do you still "talk" to the haters that created you or have you rid yourselves of them forever?