You SERIOUSLY believe you would be YOU without your environment and those who raised you? Whether you agree with them or not, they FORMED you.
To be clueless about that one is a MAJOR error. I speak perfect English because my parents did not. So, just because I did not imitate them, they influenced me.
This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at August 29, 2019 11:10 AM MDT
I am very proud of my roots. I am well-aware of the blessings I have had by being born into good stock. I don't mean the stock was elitist or pure bred or any of that NONSENSE GARBAGE that zombie racist comparisons.
I came from people that had integrity where it mattered. They know what a lie is. They were and are flawed people; they are not perfect. But they try. They try and do good. They always tried to help their neighbors. They worked to raise a good family and they would do anything to protect me.
Me too Sharon. As you know I am of Armenian ancestry and yes I'm proud of where I come from. And proud that my parents and grandparents came to America. And proud of being a First generation American. Thank you for your reply.