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Discussion » Questions » Business » Why have taco trucks on every corner when there are businesses already delivering tacos and burritos by drones?

Why have taco trucks on every corner when there are businesses already delivering tacos and burritos by drones?

Yep, check out Virginia Tech!

Posted - September 9, 2016


  • Give me a break.

      September 9, 2016 12:38 PM MDT

  • 22891

    cause theyre probably trying to make money

      September 10, 2016 7:31 PM MDT

  • 44487

    I would rather buy them from a taco truck. I can see who is making them.

      September 11, 2016 12:16 PM MDT

  • I know, right?

      September 11, 2016 1:33 PM MDT

  • 258

    Tacos from mainstream restaurants never seemed like what one sees over the border. Sometimes what comes from the taco truck is more authentic. The truck operators do not seem to try to change the product for a broader market. They will make it as they know how. Whomsoever buys it, buys it. Probably there is less business risk trying to sell more authentic foods from a truck instead of a brick-and-mortar restaurant, and definitely lower overhead, so trucks fill a niche market.

      September 11, 2016 1:48 PM MDT