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Discussion » Questions » Religion and Spirituality » The SOULS of these MASS SHOOTERS are crying out for US to do SOMETHING before more souls are forced to confront their maker.

The SOULS of these MASS SHOOTERS are crying out for US to do SOMETHING before more souls are forced to confront their maker.

Do you think it ENDS for them when they die?

Do you think the soul of a mass shooter is free from all Karmic debt after an atrocity like this?

NO.  They are FORCED to LOOK upon what they caused, feel the pain of all the victims and pay in restitution by coming down to EARTH and being a victim themselves.

AT LEAST a few thousand times until they get it.  

Or maybe even ONE good life where they come back and watch as their family and friends are decimated right in front of them.  God has plans too.

Posted - September 1, 2019


  • 10787
    We are too bleeding hearted to ever do anything.  
    People Are unwilling to do what must be done to stop these acts.  The claim that punishing the criminal is "inhumane" (as if the act itself wasn't), or they made a "boo-boo" because they were mentally ill (technically, everyone is mentally ill one way or another), or that they simply had bad upbringing (got to shift the blame to someone or something else).

    1.  ANY shooter should be executed - no waiting, no lawyers, no jain terms, no "I'm mental" plea.  It MUST be shown that we will NOT tolerate this kind of behavior.  PERIOD!  THEY made the choice (no one twisted their arm) and THEY must accept the consequences of that choice.   

    2. We MUST stop glorifying these "people".  We (the news) want to keep the people who do these heinous crimes in the public light.  It's good to mourn the innocents lost, but the name of the shooter should be permanently avoided.  All that "glory" only makes others want to do it too (and get attention).  

    3. Getting Rid of guns won't do much.  We MUST get rid of the wrong  attitudes first.  We feed our society with violence (media that promotes activities like these (shootings, murders, vengeance), with hatred, intolerance, 'might makes right', racism, and the concept of 'me first'.  We hire\elect leaders who condemn these actions in others, yet promote it in their lives.  Fix the attitudes first and the rest will fall in line.

    4. We, as parents, MUST teach our children that ALL people are just as important as they are - despite their gender, nationality, skin color, religion, political affiliation, or their economic or social status.  Hatred has no place in society.

      September 1, 2019 2:15 PM MDT

  • 46117
    THANK GOD people like you DO NOT make the laws.

    This is the most knee-jerk response one can have.

    ARE YOU SERIOUS?  Do I need to even answer this?

    There is a reason why we WAIT and have BLEEDING hearts.  We wait and process in a court of law.  We don't act like ignorant red neck hillbillies ready for a lynching to STOP THE INSANITY.

    THAT IS THE INSANITY.  And your desire to END everything by killing the perp is limited in its vision.  Let's just keep it at that.  

    You don't solve things by KILLING people.  ???  If that worked, we wouldn't have a problem.  It never worked.

    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at September 1, 2019 2:25 PM MDT
      September 1, 2019 2:16 PM MDT

  • 10787
    You're right.  If they did maybe things wouldn't be so screwed up. 
    Maybe kids could go to school without having to fear if they'll ever see home again.  
    Maybe Schools and businesses wouldn't have to have active shooter drills.
    Maybe people would learn to accept others.

    But for now, we have people like trump making laws.  We have a congress that can't/won't act because money means more to them than human life.  We have people shooting up schools and businesses 3-4 times a week, killing innocent people.   

    Yes, life is so much better when no one will do anything!
      September 1, 2019 2:24 PM MDT

  • 46117
    You don't change things by killing anything.

    You change things by making the killing impossible to happen.  And if that is too bleeding heart for you, how come other countries manage to have way less than 300 mass shootings a year.


    I am talking about those COUNTRIES that TRUMP LOVES SO MUCH with the WHITE PEOPLE in them.

    Why don't we manage to have those gun control laws??  WHY?????
      September 1, 2019 2:27 PM MDT

  • 10787
    As I said, gun control laws won't do much except piss off a lot of people (americans love their guns).   We need to change attitudes first.  (killing others = bad.  Being nice to others = good).

    By all means, let's lock this murders up for 50-80 years (got to build more and more prisons).  Let's pay billions of $$$ to house and feed them.  Let's ignore the cry for justice  from the blood of the innocent lives they snuffed out (you purposely killed 40 people?  No biggie, we'll just slap you on the wrist and let you out of jail in a few years).  
      September 1, 2019 2:38 PM MDT

  • 35005
    What country loves Trump so much? 
      September 1, 2019 2:41 PM MDT