Discussion » Questions » Food and Drink » Darn tootin' I hate Fig Newtons. What is the worst cookie you ever tasted?

Darn tootin' I hate Fig Newtons. What is the worst cookie you ever tasted?

Fig Newton

Posted - September 2, 2019


  • 44765
    Whoever wrote that needed to do some research.

    Now...my answer. Plain old, boring sugar cookies. They are like eating sugar coated cardboard. This post was edited by Element 99 at September 2, 2019 12:58 PM MDT
      September 2, 2019 10:12 AM MDT

  • 46117
    I don't really like cookies.   They are not my go-to food.  And grocery store cookies are not good as a rule.  

    My mom was a great cookie baker.  She was SERIOUS.  And she made some great ones.  Butterhorns were great.

    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at September 2, 2019 12:58 PM MDT
      September 2, 2019 10:19 AM MDT

  • 19937
    The worst cookies are the Girl Scout shortbread cookies.  No taste at all.  
      September 2, 2019 11:32 AM MDT

  • 46117
    They used to be good in the olden days.  
      September 2, 2019 11:33 AM MDT

  • 19937
    Maybe, but the others out-do them by a country mile.
      September 2, 2019 11:36 AM MDT

  • 46117
    I agree with you.  I am alluding to the point I tried to make before about food now sucking more.
      September 2, 2019 11:37 AM MDT

  • 19937
    I find that the foods that taste most different now are more on the order of snacks and cake/cookie products.  I don't see it so much with meat, fish, veggies, salad items, etc.  I do see a difference in fruits.  I haven't had a decent peach since I was a kid.  They are either too mushy or too hard and flavorless.  Melons are pretty good and I bought three tomatoes last week that were spectacular.  
      September 2, 2019 11:43 AM MDT

  • 46117
    Yeah. Ok. I see.  We agree.  But the foods I require are I the fruit and veg category more than the meat.  The meat probably tastes the same, I'm sure.  Same with fish.  

    But the produce?  TERRIBLE  HORRIBLE AND AWFUL don't come near most of the garbage they sell.  

    I'm sure the bakery stuff you mentioned are compromised because they don't use real dairy most times.  That makes a huge difference.  And it improves shelf-life for SURE. This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at September 2, 2019 1:05 PM MDT
      September 2, 2019 11:47 AM MDT

  • 19937
    I don't eat much red meat these days.  Just seem to have lost my taste for most of it, but I do love fish and I eat a lot of chicken.  

    Produce I buy is not pre-packaged although I have been buying the pre-packaged salad greens that have shredded carrots and three different kinds of lettuce in them.  For me to buy all that fresh, I would wind up throwing most of it out.  To that I add, chicken, grape tomatoes, pecan pieces and a bit of ranch dressing and it's a meal for dinner and lunch the next day.  No leftovers ad no waste.  I'm not big on cooking for one, so I try to eat my main meal for lunch and something light for dinner.
      September 2, 2019 12:02 PM MDT

  • 46117
    You also hit upon a thing.  We are aging and our tastes are changing.  Our bodies are not meant to eat the stuff I once enjoyed.  I don't even like most chocolate any more.  It used to be my go-to flavor once upon a time.

    So, I tend to gravitate towards things I can eat a lot of and still have energy.  That falls in the fruit and veg category.  So, when I think of food it is mostly will it make me tired or not.

    You are more of a sensible eater.  You eat small meals for one thing.  I  eat until I feel full and that usually is not a small meal.  I will have a tendancy to "load up".  Have seconds. That kind of thing.  So I am better with a lot of fruit and stuff that goes through me and I don't have to spend the afternoon digesting.
      September 2, 2019 12:07 PM MDT

  • 19937
    I have to mentally make myself not go towards sugary foods although I think I could live on a diet of Entemann's chocolate covered donuts.  When i'm at work, I can get away with not overeating because of my surroundings.  When I'm around people, I eat less.  The problem with eating small meals is that when I get home from work, I'm starving so I go for something quick, peanut butter and jelly, and then I have a tendency to graze and that's not good.  
      September 2, 2019 12:19 PM MDT

  • 46117
    I gave you too much credit. You are just as human as I am.  If it is any consolation, I totally understand.  Especially when you get a craving.  Mine is cheesecake.
      September 2, 2019 12:45 PM MDT

  • 19937
    I have had this sugar craving ever since I stopped smoking 34 years ago.  The older I get, the more sugar I crave.
      September 2, 2019 1:42 PM MDT

  • 46117
    It is VERY easy to quit sugar.  You just have to want to.  That is an easy one, because there are things to eat that make you not crave sugar.  So I can deal with that one all day and all night.  Sugar is like crack.  Someone told me that and it resonated deep within.  The more I ate, the more I wanted later on.  
      September 2, 2019 1:48 PM MDT

  • 19937
    That is true.  I tried to stop the sugar and after a couple of weeks, I was like an addict without a fix.  When I finally gave in, I couldn't stop so I think I'm better off having a little every now and then than bingeing on it.
      September 2, 2019 1:50 PM MDT

  • 46117
    Well that is white knuckling it and that never works.  Cold Turkey?  Nah.  The body will torment you till you give in.  The trick is to keep eating it until you cannot make yourself eat it any longer.  

    Chromium Piccolinate is a mineral that really helps shut that sugar thing down.   I'll tell you about a few when I think of them.  Lemon juice is a biggie. Lemon juice and water.  
      September 2, 2019 1:54 PM MDT

  • 44765
    That sounds like my wife when she is smoking weed. I'm going to put a lock on the refrigerator and hide the corn chips.
      September 2, 2019 1:02 PM MDT

  • 19937
    LOL ... I don't smoke weed.  Imagine if i did.  
      September 2, 2019 1:43 PM MDT

  • 46117
    Your wife needs to try edibles.  I don't think she can get this very easily but I cannot eat hardly anything after I do a cookie.  Much less snacks.  They shut down my hunger. They shut down everything.  LOL 
      September 2, 2019 1:50 PM MDT

  • 44765
    We have to import them from Michigan...so far.
      September 2, 2019 5:21 PM MDT

  • 44765
    I don't know why, but I like those. They are buttery and melt in my mouth. My wife always gets me a box when she orders.
      September 2, 2019 1:00 PM MDT

  • 19937
    To me they taste like cardboard.  Last year, they had the Smores which I liked, and I like the lemon cookies with the powdered sugar and, of course, who can live without Thin Mints?
      September 2, 2019 1:46 PM MDT

  • 44765
    I tell my wife to hurry and eat the thin mints before I raid the box.
      September 2, 2019 5:19 PM MDT

  • 19937
    I know what you mean.  Once I get started, I can't stop until they're all gone.
      September 2, 2019 9:21 PM MDT