Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» "I screwed up! I got it wrong! Sorry for the confusion." How hard is that to say? Why couldn't the Donald say those words and just move on?
I think liars are very weak Shuhak. Those who never apologize or admit they were wrong are the weakest of all because it shows us how afraid they are. Of what I don't know. Thank you for your reply! :)
Why do people lie? To protect their "ego". To us liars are weak, but to them it makes them look strong. The fear they have is that of being "unmasked" (someone finding out the truth). To those of us on the outside looking in, this seems rather dumb (just admit you're wrong and move on). Yet they allow their selfish ego to build up scenarios in their minds that it seems perfectly normal to them. Strange.
My sentiments exactly Shuhak. I face it/confront it NOW. No shillyshallying. Then I move on and I do not have to keep looking over my shoulder to see what's coming up behind me. I can't live like that. I have no idea how those who lie all the time survive. Unless you are LYING to protect someone's life or to prevent hurting someone's feelings. But because you know you did something wrong and got caught lying about it makes it a whole lot worse. That doesn't take a genius to figure out. It's common sense. But there are folks who love to live in angst and drama and danger. So I guess for them it works. Thank you for your reply! :)
I think liars are very weak people. They are terrified of whom they are being rejected so they lie about everything. How much weaker can one be than that? It's weird L. How people perceive themselves. With the chump his entire self-image is delusional and there are millions of people who support the delusion. Mass hypnosis? Mass hysteria? Mass insanity? Pick one. Thank you for your reply sweetie! :)
I think people who lie about themselves do so because they don't feel they are adequate enough. I had a boyfriend way back in the day who told me things about himself that there was no reason for me not to believe. After we broke up, a woman who knew him when he was very young, told me that almost everything he told me about his family was a lie. His father was NOT a successful businessman in another state and his mother was an alcoholic. I believe he was embarrassed about his past and created an entirely new persona to present to people he met. I felt very sorry for him, but not sorry enough to take him back.