Discussion » Questions » Current Events and News » Biden gives speech and eye leaks blood. He's like a car that is falling apart that we have not even driven off the lot yet. You know?

Biden gives speech and eye leaks blood. He's like a car that is falling apart that we have not even driven off the lot yet. You know?

….Bill Mahr.

Posted - September 7, 2019


  • 5808
         There are so many things 
    that need fixin.
    Most important for Earth Dwellers
    that love their planet,
    is Global warming
    needing full attention.
      A really Dynamic response
    to Global Warming,
    I do not see in Biden.
    WE need a Dynamic radical shift
    from the direction
    the Current Administration,
    is going in.
    Dynamic Action, I do not see in Biden.
    It might take the right P and VP
    to make a real difference in the
    state of the world.

      September 7, 2019 1:21 PM MDT

  • 17660
    His eye looked like my sister's looks after she gets a shot in it about once every six weeks.  Many older people have MD, a degenerative eye disease.  He may have it but that is not a sign that he is an unhealthy person.  What comes out of his mouth is more worrisome.  He seems to be failing mentally.  President Trump's mouth is also a concern but his problem is that he has no filter between his brain and mouth.  
      September 7, 2019 4:52 PM MDT