His focus on enriching himself on your backs extends way beyond imagination. Having his toady sycophants stay at his hotels or golf courses rather than more appropriate convenient less expensive locations when traveling is bad enough.
Now we find that military planes are diverted to a tiny gas station near his Scottish golf course because it was dying on the vine is unfriggin' reprehensible! Millions of dollars to fuel the planes that are being diverted just to buy inflated-price gas have now made the tiny gas station profitable. So far $11 million has been spent on refueling US planes on orders of the Commander-in-Chief. Why pay less when you can pay more?
How many other things are deeper down? Maybe as deep as the Marianas Trench? Could be. We'll see. We have only begun to investigate how profligate chump is. And devious and evil and cheap and boorish and crazy.