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Randy D
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » SHAME ON ALL PRODONS. Your prez DESPERATELY needs your praise. Inundate him, overwhelm him, bury him with praise! OKEY DOKEY?

SHAME ON ALL PRODONS. Your prez DESPERATELY needs your praise. Inundate him, overwhelm him, bury him with praise! OKEY DOKEY?

He is way upset furious enraged exasperated that he isn't getting the credit he deserves for doing whatever the he** he done did or did done and he spent some tweets WHINING and MOANING and INSULTING and ATTACKING. You are guilty of making him prez. Your atonement for that is to satisfy his endless need for PRAISE! You bought it you own it and you must maintain it.

So will ya huh? Couldja huh? How's about it? Tweet him a bazillion tweets..send a zabillion letters..a quintillion thank you cards. A trillion phone calls. A centillion emails. Praising him. Praising him. Praising him

He feels unappreciated neglected shafted. He is YOUR responsibility. Stop shirking and start sending those tweets so he can brag about how many he got! What could t hurt? Mebbe it could help.

Posted - September 9, 2019
