Discussion » Questions » Celebrities » WHO KNEW the star of HERCULES was a RIGHT WING CHRISTIAN? Get a load of this ridiculous movie trailer on ANTIFA

WHO KNEW the star of HERCULES was a RIGHT WING CHRISTIAN? Get a load of this ridiculous movie trailer on ANTIFA

What turns people like Sorbo and Chuck Norris into total Jerks?  Did they just make TOO much money on their entitled shows and they hate giving any of it up in income tax or something?  I think that is the reason. I really do.  Nothing else makes a lick of sense.

Does SORBO really THINK Antifa and the left are his enemy?  IS HE KIDDING?  IS HE SUPPORTING  TRUMP and the WALL too?  

Posted - September 9, 2019


  • 35077
    Yes. He has starred in a few Christian movies.

    I have not heard of this one. It is called The Reliant.
      September 9, 2019 6:26 PM MDT

  • 4624
    The more militant the left becomes, the more militant the right will become, and vice versa - and it wouldn't be a cold war.

    There are less costly and more mutually beneficial ways to resolve differences than by fighting.

    Appropos Christianity - I would love to think that the spirit of St Francis of Assissi - or the likes of Paolo Friere - filled all Christians.
    But history shows us that Christians commit just as many atrocities as they do acts of altruism and beauty - as do peoples of all other faiths.

    I think the truth is that religion actually does not change a person's character - or very rarely so. 

    A person is attracted to the sect that reinforces his or her values, aspirations, psychological needs and sense of identity.
    If there isn't one, which is rare, someone will inevitably start a new sect to get that sense of support and reinforcement.
      September 9, 2019 6:29 PM MDT