Forbid gathering together. Outlaw groups organizations rallies marches intent on negative activities/words.
Wherever a bazillion people gather together hate grows and replicates and exacerbates and well who needs it?
It is kinda scary being on your own all alone. But maybe being on your all ALONE is the only way homo saps won't tap into the very worst of themselves. Clearly the way we've been doing it AIN'T WORKING!
I KNOW the Constitutions says we can assemble peaceabl to redress our grievances but when are mobs and rallies and marches a gathering together of peaceful homo saps?
Just a thought. An idea.
What could it hurt to try it out for awhile? Imagine time without a chump rally or a hate march? Say 50 years give or take?
People gather together to worship in their holy places. Forbid any talk of polutics or promulgating pro or con anyone. FORBID any discussion about anything but GOD and JESUS and the TEN COMMANDMENTS. Now can that be so difficult to achieve?