For starters the five top Dem candidates ARE ALL BEATING HIM IN THE POLLS
Then each day another corruption in which he is central figure is revealed
He has lost all control of events. They are unfolding at will and he is impotent to stop them
So how does he get out from under? PURPOSELY SCREW UP so folks will not re-elect him of course. Make sure
everyone is suffering financial especially his base. He will go out of his way to keep the China Trade Wars going so they will lose their homes their jobs their medical coverage. Wait and see. He is clever he. Of course he will blame the Dems but fewer and fewer sheeple will listen. His plan in action and accelerating daily.
He already proved he is a chickensh** coward. He will BLAME a rigged election on his resounding humiliating loss. That will give him lots of whiny ass ammunition to justify his flameout. He is desperate to get out from under. Now he may not last to November 2020. He may wig out. I don't think you can FAKE that but maybe you can.
We'll see what happens. That I can tell you. EVERYONE SAYS SO.