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Do you know of anyone who still receives newspaper delivery at home? If so, is it daily or weekly?


Posted - September 12, 2019


  • 19937
    Yes, me.  I get the New York Daily News every day and the New York Times on Sunday.
      September 12, 2019 7:49 AM MDT

  • 11087
    Yes, all the elderly people in my condo building get the daily paper.
      September 12, 2019 8:02 AM MDT

  • 46117
    I have NEVER paid for a newspaper.   I don't know WHY or HOW but I get the Arizona Republic delivered to my house daily and I don't want it.

    I never paid for that rag and I don't read it.  I can't get rid of it. Imagine a newspaper that is so desperate they deliver to you whether you like it or not.  

    I don't know how they stay in business.  
      September 12, 2019 8:37 AM MDT

  • Don't you at least get the benefit of lining bird cages with it?
      September 12, 2019 8:55 AM MDT

  • Some of my older neighbors still receive it daily.  
      September 12, 2019 8:40 AM MDT

  • 10662
    I still receive the local paper 6 days a week (mon-sat).  It's my dog's job to bring it in each morning. This post was edited by Shuhak at August 27, 2021 8:24 PM MDT
      September 12, 2019 8:52 AM MDT

  • I subscribe to magazines but I have never subscribed to a newspaper.  I wanna know the latest fashion, entertainment, travel and decorating tips.  Things to make life fun and beautiful.  News bores me these days.  It's all just a Trump show.  When I do get my news its from the internet and TV, but mostly these days from Jon.  He's a news Junkie.  Not sure why I love magazines so much but it must be tied into my love for Comic books and traditional books.  I will never prefer a digital book over an organic one.  Newspapers though don't even exist on my radar.
      September 12, 2019 9:05 AM MDT

  • 17614
    Yes.  Lots of people around here take the daily paper.  It is delivered around 3am.  I just yesterday mailed a post-card reply to a special to subscribe to 7-day delivery plus the internet version.  I buy a paper on Sunday to take to my mother.  It's $4.75.  The special I subscribed to costs about the same thing.  I'll get six papers a week plus digital/website access  and take the Sunday edition to mum.  Same cost.  Remember I'm in a small's not a huge newspaper.  
      September 12, 2019 11:07 PM MDT