My ex-daughter-in-law used to get attacks so bad my son had to rush her to the EMERGENCY ROOM WHEN HER INHALER WASN'T HELPING.
If you have never suffered a blow to the stomach and couldn't catch your breathe or experienced asthma you are very lucky.
It can hit at any time any place for a multiplicity of reasons! YOU MUST ALWAYS HAVE YOUR INHALER WITH YOU. ALWAYS. MUST. If the attack is severe you'd better get your a** to the hospital OR guess what? You can die.
So for those of you who make fun of those who suffer with asthma I wish you only this.
You get asthma and see how it would be for you to be in a war on the battlefield and have an asthma attack. What in the he** do you think would happen? Sheesh. Ignorance is so ubiquitous. Too bad understanding and caring and knowledge isn't. Sheesh.