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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Your steadfast jacka** is all about SQUANDERING NATURAL RESOURCES. Have you dumped your energy efficient bulbs yet?

Your steadfast jacka** is all about SQUANDERING NATURAL RESOURCES. Have you dumped your energy efficient bulbs yet?

Make sure when you switch back to energy inefficient incandescent bulbs that you keep all lights on day and night 24/7. Light up the country. Make every city like Las Vegas...The City that Never Sleeps!

Posted - September 14, 2019


  • 3719
    The commercial sale of incandescent lamps, except for a few certain types, has been banned in the UK (and I think the EU generally) for some years now. It's not illegal still to use them if you had bought them while still available, but in time those will all disappear.

    The first replacements were "energy-saving" lamps that are miniature flourescents, bringing their own problem of disposal because the fluorescent coating inside, is poisonous. (A filament lamp's materials are non-toxic for all practical purposes - and salvageable - being just metal and glass.)

    These are being supplanted by l.e.d. units that have a long life, draw very low current for equivalent light output ... but their materials include fairly scarce elements difficult to find and finite.

    When it comes to "going green", nothing is as simple as it seems!


    I attended a public lecture a few days ago, on aspects of sustainable power sources, by a professor whose Bournemouth University team is developing efficiency improvements to solar water-heating systems, among other things.

    He showed a graph, from BP, of the predicted life of the world's estimated coal, oil and natural-gas reserves known now, and at present consumption rates. It gives about 100 years for coal to run out, and about 50 years each for oil and gas. That is not very long at all, in human history terms.  Professor Khan added he was struck by the vast quantities of coal being transported by rail across parts of the USA, he'd seen when he visited the country. 

      September 15, 2019 3:29 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Years ago the US "phased out" the use of incandescent bulbs. But it seems that the steadfast jacka** finds that insufferably insulting and so I don't know if he is going to actually BAN the use of the energy efficient bulbs or just going to ENCOURAGE his peeps to dump them and go back to yesterday and start using the incredibly energy-wasteful bulbs. He delights in rescinding all Environmental rules. Shreds 'em and dances a little jig each time he gets another rescind through. He has no clue about anything but simultaneously has the knack of doing exactly the worst possible thing he could do. How is that possible? I have no idea but he does it! Thank you for your thoughtful and informative reply Durdle. We will not go back to his world. I don't care if they toss us in the hoosegow for being so disobedient. Happy Monday! :)
      September 16, 2019 2:30 AM MDT

  • 3719
    I can't see him banning energy-saving bulbs, just not encouraging them.

    I think I know his motive - he thinks America can be "great again" if only it can restore the industries it has lost and the employment they needed. He has a point - Britain too, has lost an enormous amount of heavy industry - and he also wants votes and promises like that help him. 

    Unfortunately he thinks that's possible whatever the cost, and does not care about the cost. It's obviously not occurred to him that you can have manufacturing industry, but without harming the environment, but the regulations necessary for that are complicated and far-reaching, and add to the companies' overheads.

    He may not be aware too that modern industry does not need anything like the numbers of employees, thanks to mechanical aids and automation. For example, a modern precision-engineering company making components for, say car or 'plane builders, can turn out in a week many more parts with significantly fewer staff than was possible only a few decades ago.

    I know Trump is also accused of being anti-science, and certainly very ignorant of science; but I wonder if it would be more accurate to say he opposes any scientific finding or scientist he thinks obstructs his economic and political ideology and ambitions.    

    He appears not alone though. Many people have an abysmal understanding of basic science and engineering despite living off its benefits. Whilst we all marvel at the beautiful deep-Space photos published by NASA, how many people have even the faintest appreciation of what goes into being able to drink water straight from the kitchen tap*, or have been taught the crucial differences between fuel, energy and power, and between heat and temperature?

    When it comes to climate-change and the environment the picture is even more muddled thanks to the debate having been so politicised and commercialised (I don't like that "ise" suffix - it's too easily abused!); and riddled with clichés of little or no scientific merit. Hence a common misconception that "global warming" means everyone will see only warmer weather regardless, and cannot understand why it also brings colder and stormier weather. (The clue is that difference between heat and temperature.) 

    A pen-friend on another forum agrees with Trump that the climate is not "warming"; and he cannot understand widely-published phrases similar to "Mean world-wide temperature rise of 2ºC"  - though he appears not to have been taught the Celsius scale or the international Metric system he calls "unpatriotic"! He thinks we are heading for another "ice age", thanks to recent, colder Winters in his native Utah. I dare say he is by no means alone, as he obtains an "education" from dubious sources like un-validated contributors to a radio station called Coast To Coast. That station's own web-site shows it mixes genuine science news with ghost stories and other fantasies; so it's easy for less discerning, more gullible listeners like my correspondent elsewhere, to believe it all.

    If such ignorance is widespread, especially in areas wondering why their work has all gone to the lower-cost Far East and Mexico, it is hardly surprising Trump can get away with destroying environmental legislation and calling the whole notion of climate-change a lie. 

    Incidentally I found by chance a report in a respected geographical magazine published a couple of years ago, that the Western States, including Utah, are experiencing more dust-storms than usual; and possibly a climate-change effect. I don't know the full meteorology, but the warming Pacific Ocean encourages weather systems that bring strong, cold, dry winds down from the North. Which may also explain the colder Winters.


    *At least, they should be able to drink it. I am aware of accusations that in some parts of the USA the quality of the water has been allowed to fall, so even if still safe it has an unpleasant taste and/or colour.

    [Edited to improve flow.]

    This post was edited by Durdle at September 16, 2019 3:47 AM MDT
      September 16, 2019 3:33 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Thank you once again for an extremely detailed thoughtful and informative reply Durdle. The chump is a REACTIONARY. He wants to go back to yesterday and will crush anything or anyone who gets in his way. In his case he delights in ignorance and hostility and beligerent bullying because it plays well in Peoria. His grasp of reality is tenuous at best and non-existent at its worst. He keeps forging ahead to the past and as ridiculous as that sounds that is his goal. The future filled with white supremacy reigning over everything. Different entrances for people of color. Possibly even public lynchings. He is made for those times and because he cannot adapt to today he will try his best to reshape and reframe it to suit him. Being ignorant and powerful is a very bad combination. Throw in "in league with the devil" and I present you with the steadfast jacka**! The puzzling thing is that he has millions of followers supporters admirers true believers. MILLIONS just like hm out there. We are doomed. Woe is us. Apres moi le deluge? I'm glad I'm old. What the steadfast jacka** and his minions are going to do futurely is not something I wish to see hear or experience. You are able to be detached and that gives you distance I don't have. Though I doubt it would help. C'est la vie. What will be will be. The future not ours to see.  QUE SERA SERA! This post was edited by RosieG at September 16, 2019 3:45 AM MDT
      September 16, 2019 3:43 AM MDT

  • 3719
    The problem with how the American government behaves, is that it can affect other countries, directly or not.

    I do not know if President Trump knew his slogan "America First" slogan was an intensely nationalist, isolationist group in the 1930s, but fro m what you say he is acting that way. Even if he's not and doesn't intend that, he could end up isolating the USA in many ways anyway.  
      September 16, 2019 2:41 PM MDT