It was of URGENT CONCERN. Said by an independent INSPECTOR GENERAL.
The powers that be don't think it's worth sh** and are tabling it.
What PROMISE (via a phone call) could the steadfast jacka** have possibly made to a foreign country leader that would rise to the level of URGENT CONCERN?
Why would the fake AG and fake DNI ignore it, sweep it under the rug, deny it?
Would YOU like to know what kind of promise a steadfast jacka** who prefers hostile foreign dictator despots to the citizens of the country he is allegedly supposed to protect? Aren't you just a tiny bit interested?
You know however corrupt treasonous that PROMISE was his toady sycophants will never do anything about it. Doesn't that make you feel so warm and cozy and safe?
It's gonna get way better. The more the steadfast jacka** gets away with the more he tries to get away with. He is protected by those WHO SHOULD BE PROTECTING THE COUNTRY. I dunno. The only thing they're protecting is their own sure demise. What kind of idiocy is that? Protecting the instrument of your destruction?