If they are so rich? Why is that the amount that one of them could have proffered? If I'm rich and I want Trump, I should able to fork over 15 mil myself. This is ALL silicon valley could squeeze out for TRUMP?
That ain't so rich. Millions now a days is chump change. When they start forking out 15,000,000 apiece then I care.
I don't. Not about the rich fat cat Californians. They are positioned in the right area if they are in the USA. We also have the most liberal and progressive people in California. So, we can handle the RICH FAT CATS.
It's better they are there than in IOWA. At least we can overtake California. California does not like Trump. Not where the popular vote is concerned. I don't know how badly the districts are fixed on getting RED results though.
Take your 15,000,000 and put it where the sun don't shine, California Republicant's.