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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Other than his constant taking credit for everything when did donnyjonny ever admit to anything he did or said?

Other than his constant taking credit for everything when did donnyjonny ever admit to anything he did or said?

He sez he NEVER said anything inappropriate to anyone at any time. He sez it's all just FAKE news created by the Dems who are so very jealous of him. He sez he doesn't know the identify of the whistleblower. He sez he is pure as the driven snow. He sez he is innocent innocent innocent innocent. An innocent lamb who is always at the slaughter altar because of all the meanies everywhere trying to take him down. But he is innocent innocent innocent innocent. He is pure as the driven snow. A fake madeup evil of the DEMS who are so jealous of him.

Oh am I reapeating myself? Oh  dear. Oh my. Well in case you can't remember this..

he is innocent innocent innocent innocent. He is pure as the drive snow. The DEMS are so jealous of how beloved he is by everyone worldwide. Everyone loves him. His mommy told him so long ago.

He is innocent by gawd!

Posted - September 20, 2019


  • 46117

    But... Now we have Rudy on the scene.  

    DID YOU GET TO SEE THIS YET?  I know you must have, if I have because you get up earlier than I do.  

    Rudy is on CNN with Chris Cuomo YELLING at the top of his lungs that people are coming after him for going to the Ukraine and digging up dirt on Biden.

    He says.  I DID NOT DO IT.  Then in about 10 seconds says OF COURSE I DID IT AND I AM PROUD OF IT.

    This man is going to get Trump IMPEACHED.   He is admitting that he went to the Ukraine with Trump's permission to get dirt on Biden with promises to help them with money.  Something like that.  They are conspiring with foreign governments to screw with the election.  And HE IS ADMITTING IT.  ON TV. LOL

    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at September 20, 2019 10:52 AM MDT
      September 20, 2019 10:48 AM MDT