He sez he NEVER said anything inappropriate to anyone at any time. He sez it's all just FAKE news created by the Dems who are so very jealous of him. He sez he doesn't know the identify of the whistleblower. He sez he is pure as the driven snow. He sez he is innocent innocent innocent innocent. An innocent lamb who is always at the slaughter altar because of all the meanies everywhere trying to take him down. But he is innocent innocent innocent innocent. He is pure as the driven snow. A fake madeup evil of the DEMS who are so jealous of him.
Oh am I reapeating myself? Oh dear. Oh my. Well in case you can't remember this..
he is innocent innocent innocent innocent. He is pure as the drive snow. The DEMS are so jealous of how beloved he is by everyone worldwide. Everyone loves him. His mommy told him so long ago.
He is innocent by gawd!