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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Think GOD will make an exception for chump? The chump sez he has never asked for forgiveness. He shows no contrition or regret. Will he?

Think GOD will make an exception for chump? The chump sez he has never asked for forgiveness. He shows no contrition or regret. Will he?

As he is dying and on his deathbed who will be there? Will he be defiant and contentious and hostile and angry and whining about always being a victim? Do you think he will die gracefully quietly and contemplate how he lived his life? Will fear overtake him and cause him to finally pray or has he never done that in his entire life? How do you think it will end for him? With a BANG or a whimper? Will he blame the Dems and the media and Hillary and Barack and Elizabeth Warren and Joe Biden and all the sexmates who finked on him and every enemy he ever made and take no responsibility for anything? Complaining and whining and insulting and attacking with his very last breath? Will he die tweeting diatribes to get in one last shot?

Posted - September 25, 2019
