Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» If you got away with doing something you shouldn't have did it make you feel guilty or great? Think everyone feels as you do?
After close to 7 decades, I find that if I got away with something, that something will, inevitably, come home to roost. Somewhere it sinks into our cellular tissues. Somehow we have blocked a solution that would have been the healthy choice for spiritual growth. And if we are not here for that? What the heck are we here for?
I didn't answer you. Sorry. I feel guilty whether I did something wrong or not that I got away with. So, it is complicated. I have been yelled at 24/7 for years LOL. So, I always feel anxious. But, I am vested in just surviving and having a pleasant day and spreading that energy. I am not trying to get away with things. I feel if I made it through the day, I feel relieved. If getting away with something allows for that? I am guilty as charged and I will probably worry.
If I ever got away with anything I am unaware of it Sharon. I go out of my way to reveal my screwups. You know why? Because I don't want to be embarrassed by anyone saying I SAW WHAT YOU DID or whatever. That's also why I don't lie. I don't want to worry about who is gonna find out and when will it be revealed and how humiliating will it be to have have someout shout YOU ARE A LIAR! So I take my punishment right up front and then I don't have to worry about it any longer. It's not being brave or particularly honorable. It's just that getting away with something I should not have would make me miserable so why do that to myself? Thank you for your reply! :)