Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Will Impeachment of the son of a beach end right now if he pardons himself, rudyg, liddlebillybarr et al? Who is gonna stop him?
If the Senate votes to convict, a pardon will keep him out of jail but won't keep him in office. However, some R Senators would have to vote that way too. Do any of them have sufficient integrity? Of course, a Presidential pardon only covers Federal crimes. Rumour has it he could be up for the limit for a few State offenses as well. Grab the popcorn, folks, this game is going an extra inning.
Once again I FORGOT something important. Pardons of the prez are only good at the Federal Level and I'm pretty sure the State of New York has a few aces up its sleeve on that! As far as Republican Senators with integrity? There used to be but today that is an OXYMORON. Once integrity is gone the ground is fallow and barren. None can ever be grown again. Right? Thank you for your reply R. I wonder how many other absurdly ludicrous gambits chump will try that all his prodon peeps will buy that will make the rest of us laugh uproariously hysterically because the chump is so weirdly funnee. His brain is wired oppositely from most of us. Peculiarly queer oppositely. Unique among all homo saps who came before, are here now and will be here after. What kind of popcorn d'ya like best? Cheesy or just plain salty? What about Maureen? Her favorite kind is the same as yours? Jim and I like regular salty and some of cheesy brands. What we don't like is Kettle Corn. It's kinda sweet. You?
Your wife is a gal I could get along with ReaL Swell! My kinda gal R! Truth be told Jim and I both ADORE caramel corn but it has so much sugar and we're both pre-diabetic so we are very good and stopped eating it. But you know those boxes you can buy? We'd be good to consume TWO BOXES EACH WEEK! For our tastebuds it's addictive. But we cut it off cold turkey. Still to this day we get the shakes when we see it. Well not really but it will always remain a fond memory. Memories aren't harmful are they? I'm gonna ask. Thank you for your reply! :)