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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Living an INCURIOUS life not wishing to know "WHY" seems to me to be a waste of it. You don't live you just exist. How does that satisfy?

Living an INCURIOUS life not wishing to know "WHY" seems to me to be a waste of it. You don't live you just exist. How does that satisfy?

Posted - September 29, 2019


  • 46117
    Sigh.  Not wanting to KNOW why is not being incurious.  It is trusting that the things I have discovered are no more wonderous when I know more things.  

    I'm happy, I'm content and I know that I will never know everything but it doesn't matter.  The stuff I know is not making me more happy.  I won't be more happy when I learn how gasoline is made.  

    I am happy that I know GOD exists.  That path is totally fulfilling.  It is filled with knowledge and wonder and I learn new things every second that I tune in.  I don't need to know everything.  
      September 29, 2019 12:08 PM MDT

  • 10746
    Personally, I love to learn (especially when it comes to science).  The result is a mind filled with facts and trivia.  I'm not a fan of school, mind you, just learning.   How any one can go through life not wanting to know is a mystery to me.  Yet, I have seen people who don't want to learn.  They seem to be satisfied being where they are.  How can one look up and not wonder why the sky's blue?  How can they plant a seed and not wonder how it becomes a plant?  How can they see a cloud float over their head and not wonder how that 4-ton cloud stays suspended?  Without curiosity there is no knowledge.  Without knowledge there is no growth.  Without growth there is stagnation.  Where there is stagnation there is decay and, eventually, ruin.

      September 29, 2019 2:22 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I am now and always have been looking for connections Shuhak. Commonalities. And when I find them I am ecstatic! Making sense of this world is an ongoing project. Never-ending. It's easy to get distracted diverted but you always end up knowing more than you did before. Of course the knowing changes with advances in finding things out. What was thought to be true changes the more you dig into things. It's said by some that there really is a UNIVERSAL WISDOM and some people are able to tap into it. How I don't know. I LOVED school. I could take about two weeks of summer vacation then I'd start crossing off the days on a calendar till school started again. I got so bored. I'd go to the library and read a bazillion books over the summer. But my heart was in Autumn and school. Even though I was very shy and had only one friend just being in a class and learning things I did not know was definitely my cuppa tea. I'm still that nerd. I guess you never outgrow it! Thank you for your reply! :)
      September 30, 2019 3:17 AM MDT