Dam* straight they do. Whatebber he do dey do 2 or support.
He do bad bad ting they support him.
He lie about udders and they support him.
He attack a one for doing what he do too and they support him no madder what and attack de udder like he do.
They not got the wherewithal to be any udder. SIGH.
For too long, the liberal left has been hiding behind a guise of compassion and inclusivity. They claim to care about the forgotten man and pretend to have tolerance for people of all backgrounds, races, religions and political beliefs. Yet, time and time and time again, their actions prove otherwise. They portray themselves as open-minded members of society, but their tones quickly change when someone disagrees with them politically. Dare to disagree with a liberal and you will often be faced by an intolerant, uncaring, vindictive, vitriolic, hateful, and sometimes even violent person.
Refusing to see the hypocrisy in their words and actions, the liberal left continues to criticize their political opponents as the careless and dangerous ones when it is they who are the careless and dangerous ones. It is time for America to wake up. It is time for a change. This hypocrisy has been going on for too long. Liberals really need to stop refusing to see themselves, or other liberals, as hypocrites when they themselves act like hypocrites. They must start holding themselves to the same standards they claim to support before it is too late. It is the liberal left that doesn't have the right stuff. They lost their stuff decades ago and haven't a clue nor the wherewithal on how to find it again. As always, just my opinion. :)