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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » If we must have a chump ego wall here's how I HOPE IT WILL GO. Once all 2000 miles of ego wall are built guess what?

If we must have a chump ego wall here's how I HOPE IT WILL GO. Once all 2000 miles of ego wall are built guess what?

The MURDERS and RAPES of US citizens by immigrants who found a way to beat the wall MULTIPLIES TENFOLD and the problem that was once upon a time a hill becomes a very tall mountain range! What then y'all?

The fix your hero GUARANTEED would work backfires bigly hugely massively. How would you SPIN THAT?

Posted - October 7, 2019


  • 34829
    Wow. Wishing murder and rape on citizens....I wish this was not the first time I have heard this. But it is not. 

    Normally it is a wish made by pro choice people to happen to a  prolife woman. 
      October 7, 2019 7:54 AM MDT