Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Will the Dems be able to smack down the ILLEGAL LAWLESS CORRUPT chump gubment or will corruption rule? Whatcha want prodons? THIS CRAP?
They not only THINK they KNOW they are gonna win because they have SENATE. SENATE
They need nothing ELSE. That will DO it.
there are some VERY insecure SENATE seats up for election. Uh oh. The question is, will we have a Senate ready to give Trump the boot soon? Will it happen before the election?
Here is what I think: I think Trump has only begun to dismantle, to unravel and he only needs a few more minutes to totally hang himself so thoroughly, that NO one could do anything but get him in a straightjacket. This will have to happen whether the GOP wants it or not, because the WHOLE WORLD IS WATCHING NOW.