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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » I expect dozens of books will be written about trump and his cabal et al. Do you think one of them might be written about someone VERY FINE?

I expect dozens of books will be written about trump and his cabal et al. Do you think one of them might be written about someone VERY FINE?

Someone who did a wonderful job in an honorable way who was completely and totally scandal free? Someone who never lied for trump or anyone? Could such a someone like that have survived the surrounding stew that reeked of the stench of wrongdoing?

One book about one good person?

Who was it who scoured the world looking for an HONEST man? A needle in a haystack or much harder?

A rich man entering heaven? Even rarer?

Posted - October 10, 2019


  • 46117
    Yes. Mattis and the Whistleblower and Comey and Mueller and Schiff and Peolosi will have to be included in the mix just to explain the graft and corruption that was spread and created by this DUMPSTER DESPOT.

    Then there are the ones you are speaking of.  THE CROOKS.  No one in that Administration The TREY GOWDY's who spent MILLIONS OF DOLLARS on the Bengazzi Investigation.  NOW THAT ONE TURNED UP NOTHING.

    So, they tried to spin that the Mueller Report was the same.  Mike Pompeo who famously grilled Hilary Clinton and not let her get a word in edgewise, NOW has NOTHING to SAY when he is calling for BLOCKING the impeachment of TRUMP.  This yes-man moron needs to be locked up.   Not Hilary.  This pig needs to be in a cell with Trump for ever.    A pig and a frog talking and arguing about whose fault it is they landed in a cell together.  

    Donald Trump Frog This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at October 10, 2019 9:55 AM MDT
      October 10, 2019 9:53 AM MDT