Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Just as trump IMPLICITLY supports adores racists he must also IMPLICITLY support/adore ISIS. He caused the resuscitation! Congrats don?

Just as trump IMPLICITLY supports adores racists he must also IMPLICITLY support/adore ISIS. He caused the resuscitation! Congrats don?

Without trump's bigly screwup ISIS would have remained what they were. Defeated. BUT having Turkish and Russian troops invade northern Syria to murder Kurds left the incarcerated ISIS captives free to escape. They're gone. How many of them were there? I don't know. But just like Pandora opened the box and freed all evil  to penetrate the world so too did trump free the ISIS captives to go back and regroup and rebuild.

The trump is a doozy. Floozy? Woozy? Boozy?

Posted - October 15, 2019


  • 10787
    How many US troops died to help subdue ISIS?  (More than one is too many).  trump doesn't care about them.  Guess they died in vain.   What's our "Commander In Brief" going to do when they show up in droves at our borders?  No "wall" is going to stop them (or moat with alligators).  No executive order will "send them running in fear".  No amount of money will buy them off.  They will exterminate this "godless nation" and, thanks to trump, we won't be able to stop them.  
      October 15, 2019 11:48 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Someone wrote a book with a title "Everything trump touches dies". It's worse than that. He is actually weaponized himself and actively is out to destroy everything we have built including protecting us from ISIS. It's hard to know which is worse....his utter stupid dumb or the evil he embodies. The combination is lethal because it is fueled by POWER. Every day he does more stupid dumb. Oh boy are we ever in trouble! Thank you for your thoughtful reply Shuhak and Happy Wednesday.
      October 16, 2019 3:27 AM MDT