Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» GOP Pols should swear an oath to/affirm their allegiance to the Constitution and the Country and NOT a political party and a crazy guy. Why?
Anybody who holds public office already takes an oath to defend / uphold the Constitution.
However, since it's virtually impossible to get elected to public office at state level or higher without the financial backing of a major political party - both Democrat and Republican members are going to support their party over the Constitution.
Which means they are lying when they take the oath or affirm correct?
Anyone who supports a vile evil homo sap and a vile evil political party OVER the country and the Constitution is vile evil and dangerous. And those who support them are traitors to their country. Period. End of story. No exceptions.
When LIARS affirm to or take an oath it is meaningless claptrap bullsh** gibberish. Supporters of liars are enablers and facilitators and since what they enable facilitate if the spawn of the devil well they are certainly not what we the people want in our country. Of course I can only speak for me Walt. Thank you for your reply!
Anyone who claims "the Constitution is a living document" has no understanding of the Constitution ... so is it lying? Or self-delusion? Or ignorance?
I would favor a class on the Constitution, before anyone takes that vow. But then, there's the problem of who would teach it and what would their "interpretation" be? I mean, the Constitution was written by a bunch of guys without a modern high-school education ... and we still argue what they meant? Even though they did a good job of explaining it in the debates (Federalist Papers). That is not ignorance - it's self-delusion or purposeful/willful deceit.
Both Democrats and Republicans take an oath to defend and uphold the Constitution but they seem to have forgotten that when they entered into their "I'm right your wrong and I'll do anything I have to to win" foray. The respect for the Constitution and the love of this country and it's citizens is all but extinct in the political realm today. For the politicians, especially the Democrats, the Constitution has become an afterthought exiled into near oblivion. The Constitution is brought up by the Democrats and some Republicans but only as a pretense of patriotic fervor just to try to win an argument and not because they want to uphold it.