Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Didja know there is a movement to change Columbus Day to Indigenous People's Day? Why? Because the big C caused GENOCIDE? Did YOU know THAT?

Didja know there is a movement to change Columbus Day to Indigenous People's Day? Why? Because the big C caused GENOCIDE? Did YOU know THAT?

We can't change history but I guess we can stop putting lipstick on it to make what is very ugly passably homely. What other people/things do we celebrate that we shouldn't? SIGH. Why is it that we never discover people were much finer and better and kinder than we thougth? Why is that they are always far worse?

Posted - October 16, 2019


  • 17048
    Bad news sells. Good news is boring.

    Columbus didn't "discover" anything - the Americas were visited by the Vikings (Leif Erickson) and Irish monks (St Brendan and Co) centuries before the Italian adventurer bankrupted Spain.
      October 16, 2019 3:18 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Did you know hat Columbus was guilty of the genocide of indigenous people? So it didn't start with the white man pilgrim invading America and murdering the inhabitants, the native americans. It started long before that. So why is the so-called "history" we learn in school so not true? We need to unlearn all the lies and learn the truth. No matter where it takes us or how incrediby evil it is. Mebbe. Thank you for your reply R! :)
      October 16, 2019 4:50 AM MDT