Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Some ridicule/make fun of SERIOUS. Is it that SERIOUS is over their heads so they try to cut it down to their size?
People who jeer at serious issues are MORONS. Period. The definition of a moron is an ignorant stupid fool who has no manners and a big mouth. Hail Trump.
He is contagious and has infected all his prodons to reflect what he is. Sadly. Thank you for your reply Sharon. There is nothing about the trump except his very existence.
Here's what I wonder about Shuhak. Why do they even bother to pretend understanding by trying to diminish the point with absurdly erratic irrelevancies? Why not just walk on by and leave it alone if you don't understand? They make themselves look ridiculous by doing that and what's the point of that? Showing to shoot down and moving on? I don't get it. I think I shall ask. Thank you for your reply! :)
I think the best comedians see "funny" in a lot of places the rest of us don't R. I've read that many of them have backgrounds of abuse or otherwise unhappy and so to survive they had to figure out a way to live through every day. I think there is a lot of pain deep down in some of them. Also it's true that what may be deadly serious to one person due to experience isn't to another person. But here's the thing. If something is very serious for Maureen you would indeed be there for her on that level because otherwise it would be very hurtful for you to make light or fun of something she was pained about. I guess that's the bottom line. If you respect the person like the person and consider the person a friend you would not minimize or ridicule . You would listen and respond in a way that would be comforting. SIGH. Thank you for your reply. People have so many layers. Sometimes what you find when you peel down far enough is rot. :(
Unless she's making a big deal out of something that doesn't matter. In those cases I can usually get her to see the funny side too - then she giggles and hits me with a pillow or something. Ridicule is something I don't do to somebody I care about.
EXACTAMUNDO! Precisely R. Loved ones, liked ones should have that assurance and also give that assurance. Sometimes friendships aren't. That is one person thinks the other person is a friend and at some point something occurs that shows him/her it ain't necessarily so. Thank you for your reply and Happy Monday to thy! :)