Because by now after all this corruption and criminal activities have been uncovered the trump would be a bad memory, a punchline, a dodged bullet. But he is still prez. Answer me why?
If his cabinet were "better than that" they'd have enacted the 25th amendment long ago. They didn't. Or Mueller would have come up with a definite charge of corruption. He didn't. Or the liddle fakeAG billybarr would not be the roycohn the trump used to have and always LUSTED AFTER having again. Or the mikepompousea** would actually perform his duties as Secretary of State and be loyal to the Constitution and the country and not an insanely wackadoodle corrupt evil clown. So no we are not better than that.
And all the supporters who will not admit that trump is guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors and is corrupt and a criminal because that would mean they did the wrong thing by voting for him so they will always support him since if the don't they will be criticizing themselves for having been incredibly stupid dumb. They can't do that though so obviously by not doing that they are even incredibly more stupid dumb than they would be if they acknowledged the gawd awful thing they did by voting for him. They won't. They can't. They gotta save face. Sheesh.
I wish we were "better than that" but we aren't. Another lie floated by desperate people.