Have ya ever been gaslit by the likes of him? How old were you? 6?
Usally the things Trump does and says horrifies me but I do like laughing at him when he is the butt of the joke. A couple of days ago there was a meeting at the WH about the situation with Turkey. 20 minutes after the meeting Trump posted a photo of the meeting on twitter and tittle it Nervous Nancy. Trump is the one that looks like a nervous bump on a log that's heading for the mill. I also noticed that in the photo everybody on both sides of the table had notes, note pads and pens in front of them - everybody but Trump so I think that shows Trump goes into a meeting with a closed mind and he leaves a meeting with a closed mind. People around the World are referring to the photo as The Last Supper and they are comparing the photo to other famous painting. Included a link to the photo of what Trump calls Nervous Nancy and why that photo is being compared to famous paintings. Cheers and happy weekend!