Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Homo Saps are not all alike. Some are way sappier than others. Some are drawn to doing the right thing. Others the "other". Your thing?

Homo Saps are not all alike. Some are way sappier than others. Some are drawn to doing the right thing. Others the "other". Your thing?

Some believe they have a right to do whatever they can however they can as long as they can get away with it and anyone who doesn't do likewise is a dam* fool.

What kind are you? "Right is always righter than wrong" or "wrong rules rocks rolls and I will too?"

You see nothing wrong with anything anyone does to get more because well you admire them for it.

Living life on the edge is not my cuppa tea but apparently it rocks for many. Why I do not know. Do you?

Posted - October 18, 2019
