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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » So the US gubment spent about a million bucks give or take for the refurbishing of the Gordon Sondlond ambassador digs? WHAT'S THE PROBLEM?

So the US gubment spent about a million bucks give or take for the refurbishing of the Gordon Sondlond ambassador digs? WHAT'S THE PROBLEM?

The American people TAX TROUGH is where all the gubment PIGS pig out. Y'all know that right? Every single one of them have spent oodles of boodles of YOUR TAX DOLLARS to make their lives a whole lot plushier and lushusher. You didn't seriously think they are working for YOU do you? He** no. You work for them. Your tax dollars give them the lifestyle they lust after and so well you aren't going to begrudge them for financially screwing you every way all day every day? Why would you? You don't begrudge the grand master at it..the trump cabal et al so why should you begrudge his lapdog puppet lemming toady sycophants "staff" or "cabinet" ripping you off as bigly and oftenly as possible? They are all crooks crookeding their way through every day. Hooray for trump. He knows how ta pick 'em!

Posted - October 18, 2019
