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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Does this sit well with you? Is this your cuppa tea? Does it float your boat and ring your chimes?

Does this sit well with you? Is this your cuppa tea? Does it float your boat and ring your chimes?

An AMERICAN presidential candidate BEGS FOREIGN COUNTRIES FOR HELP to get elected president since he doesn't trust the American People to select the person they want to be the American president.

Then after years of being investigated for doing that WHICH IS ILLEGAL he does it again to get re-elected by going to foreign countries and BEGGING for help to get re-elected.

Does it make you proud that a person who has so little confidence in himself or his country has to beg foreigners to do for him what his own fellow citizens can't be depended on to do?

Does it fill your heart and soul with joy that he puts his tail between legs and begs and begs and begs and begs?

Isn't it HUMILIATING to see an AMERICAN begging anyone for anything let alone FOREIGNERS?

How does this bode well for him futurely? This person will beg foreign countries to to do what else for him how often in return for which he will do what for them futurely?

Posted - October 19, 2019
