Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Toady sycophants are good at only one thing. Being toady sycophants. Lindsay Graham as patriotic American? Seriously?
This is why I loathed McCain till the end of his life when he BECAME what he almost forgot about that he once was. He was a flip-flopper of the greatest degree. Do not forget him and Palin. I NEVER WILL. He was a disaster. But he also was a FANTASTIC hero and legend who BROUGHT Trump to his knees, simply by finally NOT flipping any more.
It must have felt good to find himself again.
Maybe Lindsey Graham has a scintilla of that awakening. Lindsay is a great spokesman when he is on your side. He has been kissing he rear of Trump since he got in office. Obvious reason . But to turn on him after defending all the other atrocities Trump has committed? IT SPEAKS VOLUMES. I mean EVEN Lindsay G.
I hear she is very loyal like the good paid BIMBO she always was. As she wrote on her COAT IN BIG LETTERS AT HER TRIP TO THE BORDER>>>> I don't care, do you? She is another Trump and even more stupid. If possible. I am SURE the reason for her disappearance that one entire month was a FACE LIFT. What a plastic phoney. What a desperate phoney. Marrying a philanderer who publicly screws other women and making a TOTAL FOOL OF HER and their "marriage".
What stories she will have to tell one day, when TRUMP has kicked the bucket. She is younger than him and she looks old. No more facelifts will help her. She can't keep up with Trump's adolescent eye and fantasies. She has the big boobs but he is tired of her. It is obvious. He bought her and she is useful as a FAKE WIFE statue.
This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at October 20, 2019 6:11 AM MDT
I don't share your feelings about Melania Sharon. I think she is no different than any other golddigger. It is how many beautiful women get through life. Using sex. I don't think she is any worse than others who are exactly like her. I spend zero time thinking about her. Or ivanka or jared. I do wonder when or if the adoringly steadfast worshippers will ever come to their senses get a grip and fully understand the monstrous man the tumbleweed is. They may well all be as evil as he is. They may well have been waiting for the AntiChrist and he showed up just in time for them to revere support worship. I don't blame the tumbleweed for being what he is. I blame those who think what he is cannot be improved upon. They are the sinister traitors to our way of life. He is mad and perhaps was born that way. Age is simply revealing more of what he always was. A very crazy homo sap. But the others? Are they as crazy as he? I dunno. Something is very wrong with them. Exactly what I don't know. Thank you for your reply! :)