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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Nancy Pelosi is a STAND UP woman. She looked exactly like a mom giving her toddler a TIME OUT. The trump thinks the photo made HER look bad?

Nancy Pelosi is a STAND UP woman. She looked exactly like a mom giving her toddler a TIME OUT. The trump thinks the photo made HER look bad?

He is the one who released the photo! Look at all the men at the table some of whom are looking down shamefaced and embarrassed. None of THEM had the guts to stand up to the tumbleweed. Not one.. The tumbleweed looks so perplexed and is definitely sitting way lower because of course the mommy is standing up and scolding the naughty child.

How and why the tumbleweed thinks he looks so awesome good he released the photo and he thinks she looks so awesome bad is why he is what he is. He doesn't have a clue what is going on around him at any time. He lives in his own world of wonder apart from the rest of us 24/7. Inside that world is pure heaven. He has no idea about appearances or cause and effect or what goes around comes around. None of that is in his wheelhouse.

He has no idea he is old fat and orange either.

Posted - October 19, 2019


  • 35005
    Funny how times change.  Remember how the left had a heart attack when another woman pointed her finger at the disrespectful it was, how racist is was, how disgraceful it was....funny that works. 

      October 19, 2019 10:12 AM MDT

  • 46117
    My 2.  Your man is total toast.   That picture is NOT Arizona in Phoenix or Anthem or anywhere else. My neighbors on both sides hate his guts.  but that is not all.  This was a state where you were hated if you were NOT Republican.  THAT HAD CHANGED, MY FRIEND.  Sure there are the usual band of idiots. But there is a NEW WAVE of enlightened voters who want Dr. Halil and Kristen Sinema not A GOP TRUMP PUPPET IN THE HOUSE.  

    I am in AZ and TRUST ME you do not KNOW a thing.  I am here and the WIND HAS TOTALLY CHANGED IN AZ. It started when the MID TERMS showed how weak his standing IS currently in AZ.  And he has made it so much worse since the mid-terms.  This latest Kurd thing will END him.  That did it. Even your GOP's are revolted.  Lindsay?  REVOLTED.  The rest of you may have heard that Turkey has napalmed Kurds and that Trump says the Kurds are very pleased.  THE KURDS ARE PLEASED?

    Mitch McCONNELL?  YOUR BUDDY?  This is how he is TRASHING TRUMP today,.   HOORAY.  The enemy is devouring itself from within.  I am sure the Trump rally crowds will soon be them having barbeques of each other while in the stands.  

    So pathetic, but highly enjoyable to finally be able to WATCH.
    ' This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at October 19, 2019 10:26 AM MDT
      October 19, 2019 10:17 AM MDT

  • 35005
    Yes they war hawks no both sides have revolted.  Graham is a hawk, Hillary is a hawk, the media are hawks.....

    Again, Do you want us to go to war with Turkey? How about Russia and Assad, Iran?   That is what we are looking at.  

    There is not confirmation of Napalm.  If they did it then Turkey should be removed from NATO and the UN should decide what is the next step. But is should not be the US alone. We are not the world's police. And IF we are gonna go in WE should go in for the Kill none of this fighting for 20 yrs BS. If we are gonna do it then do it and do it to win.   And get out.

    The Drum beat of war continues from the left and right establishment. 
      October 19, 2019 10:27 AM MDT

  • 46117
    Catch up.  

    I have a video of McConnell saying TRUMPS message was ABSURD but of course it won't play and it doesn't matter because you won't read it anyway.  Thank God you are not the deciding factor on this whole mess.  

    The rest of us know the real truth. McConnell thinks TRUMP IS NUTS and is ready to BOLT at any second.  LOL  His standing in Kentucky Polls?  33 percent.  McConnell in Kentucky has only 33 percent favorability.  

    He is also toast.  The BEST PEOPLE Trump surrounds himself with  THE BEST.   This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at October 20, 2019 10:19 AM MDT
      October 19, 2019 10:29 AM MDT

  • 46117
    ONE OTHER REPLY ,  My 2...


    Who had the BA..S to stand up to TRUMP?  WHO?  

    The woman giving TRUMP the FINGER that's who.  
      October 19, 2019 10:34 AM MDT

  • 19937
    If we aren't the world's police, then why has Trump sent thousands of our troops to Saudi Arabia?
      October 19, 2019 9:37 PM MDT

  • 113301
      October 20, 2019 4:20 AM MDT

  • 35005
    Same reason we are always over there. To protect the oil. Protecting the oil protects our economy. We have had this policy since 1944.
      October 20, 2019 5:30 AM MDT

  • 19937
    The Kurds fought ISIS valiantly which protected our national security.  I guess that doesn't count, but I knew you would come up with something to defend walking away from an ally. 
      October 20, 2019 10:18 AM MDT

  • 35005
    I do not think we had a choice. I think if we did not pull back we would be entering WWIII right now. We had a whole 50 troops we moved out of the Turkey/Syria border. And Turkey was coming in....they simply gave the USA a heads up. Not asking for permission. 

    The Kurds are in Syria are tied to the PKK (Kurds in Turkey) this a terrorist group (according to Turkey, USA and EU). Their leader is in prison in Turkey. (He is to Turkey what Bin Laden was to USA) When the Kurds in Syria would take back control of a town. They put up huge picts of this terrorist in Turkey. So Turkey certainly has reason to believe there is a tie to the terror group PKK.

    I do not like the situation. But I do not want war with Turkey or Russia/Assad/Iran etc. If they are using chemical weapons, Turkey needs removed from NATO. And the UN needs to decide what is the next action. 
      October 20, 2019 12:34 PM MDT

  • 19937
    The sooner you admit that Turkey is not our ally, the better off you'll be.  I don't care if they are a NATO country - they are not our friends.  
      October 21, 2019 8:23 AM MDT

  • 35005
    You will have to discuss that with NATO. Turkey is and has been a NATO ally for 70 yrs. 

    Now, how does it work if we fight Turkey....and Turkey activates Article 5 of the NATO treaty? (Article 5 is the collective defense of a NATO ally) Do we fight all of our NATO allies? Do we leave NATO and cause it to be destroyed? What exactly do you propose? But the fact is Turkey is our ally for decades....Kurds were our partner defending land they want for themselves. So we fight Turkey, Syria, Iran and Iraq....Kurds want land from all these countries for themselves. 

    Or do we withdraw and explain as we have from the start...we will not/can not fight Turkey for you? 

    Please, I want some one to explain how this works out....for the best for the USA and the world. 
      October 21, 2019 9:55 AM MDT

  • 19937
    The Kurds are Syrians.  They have as much right to be in their country as any other Syrians.  
      October 21, 2019 3:11 PM MDT

  • 46117
    No.   We need to cleanse them.  They are too darned brown and all. And no money which is even more ugly.
      October 21, 2019 3:37 PM MDT

  • 35005
    Everyone in that area is brown....nxt. 
      October 21, 2019 4:30 PM MDT

  • 46117
    Trump just MURDERED our allies.  I don't care about the others.  HE KILLED THEM just like HITLER ethnic cleansed people. 

    KILLER and now you know why I call him ADOLPH HITLER.  Imagine me helping you save your life and your family and you reward me by leaving me to die  when you are done using me.  That is what you support.  SHAME ON YOU.  You can support Trump's policies when he does this?

    These are PEOPLE for godsakes.  You call yourself a religious person and you back that??????
      October 22, 2019 1:17 PM MDT

  • 35005
    Some of the Kurds are Syrians. Some are Turks, some Iranians, and some are Iraqis. And they want part of each country for themselves to make the country Kurdistan. 
    Some of them are in militias...those in Turkey are called PKK (Turkey, USA and EU all in agreement this is a terrorist group) In Syria they are called YPG. Turkey does not consider these as separate groups. 
    Kurds want their own land....they call the land they want Kurdistan. If they controlled all the land they refer to as Kurdistan it would take land from Iraq, Iran, Syria and Turkey. 

    Turkey does not support Assiad but they do not want the Kurds in Syria to get their own territory for fear it would embolden the Kurds currently living in Turkey. 

    The Kurds in Syria have been told from the start that the US would not fight Turkey for them. (We cannot Turkey is a member of NATO). The people in this area have been fighting for centuries.  We were there for one reason to get rid of the caliphate that the Islamic State was forming.  We have done that.  With the help of Russia, Syria, Turkey, Iraq and the Kurds. We all fought together for one reason but we were all never on the same sides.  As strange as that sounds.   

    The PKK (Kurdish Worker's Party) is considered a terrorist group by Turkey, USA, EU.  They have a counterpart in Syria the YPG.....this YPG makes up a large portion of the  Syrian Democratic Force which the US worked with....., 

    When the Syrian Defense Forces took an area back from IS they would then put up huge pictures of the imprisoned Abdullah Ocalan, founder and leader of the terrorist group PKK. He is to Turkey what Osama Bin Laden was to the USA.  This is why Turkey does not want them by their border. 

    It is quite confusing and we cannot make a peace there.  They will have to sort it out.   We eliminated the Islamic State caliphate...that was our goal. It is accomplished. IF we try we will be there forever. 

    PKK (Kurds in Turkey) and YPG (Kurds in Syria) even kidnap and brainwash children to fight for them.  

    For more info Google PKK, YPG, and SDF  or Abdullah Ocalan and look for yourself. 
      October 21, 2019 4:27 PM MDT

  • 19937
    Wait and see if ISIS rears its ugly head there again and the U.S. will find some reason to have to go back.  
      October 22, 2019 8:25 PM MDT

  • 35005
    If the Islamic State comes back then we will go back.....but that has nothing to do with the multiple sides in this Syrian civil war. We should not be in that. 
      October 23, 2019 9:37 AM MDT

  • 19937
    Penny wise and pound foolish.  We had to blow up some our materiel so it wouldn't fall into the wrong hands.  Do you think there's no cost to removing all those troops and equipment from one place to another.  If we have to go back, we go back to a strengthened ISIS, not at the point where we had them down to a manageable few.  
      October 23, 2019 12:53 PM MDT

  • 35005
    1000 troops is all we had in Syria. 50 were at the Turkey border. 

    So you propose we stay forever? Or just until the fighting stops over there? The fighting does not ever stop there.   

      October 23, 2019 1:08 PM MDT

  • 19937
    It was enough to keep ISIS at bay and the ISIS prisoners in prison and to keep Turkey from invading.  
      October 23, 2019 8:13 PM MDT

  • 46117
    we had a HUGE choice.  We could have been AMERICA and left piecemeal instead of outright, killing thousands.  How do you sleep?  Seriously.  Defending anything like this atrocity is like defending HITLER and ethnic cleansing.  PERIOD.

    We could have transitioned and killed NO ONE.  How's about that?  Like we have to take ORDERS FROM FKING TURKEY NOW?

    all roads lead to putin
      October 22, 2019 8:33 PM MDT

  • 35005
    We were already piecemeal. We moved 50 troops out of the border area....50. 
    Only 1000 total in all of Syria. 
      October 23, 2019 9:34 AM MDT