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The liddlebillybarr investigation into the Russia meddling investigation is a cancer that has metastasized. What's the basis?

The extreme right-wing nimnut crackpot conspiracy theory imbeciles. Yep. The liddlebillybarr is following every nitwit halfwit dimrit up every torturously crooked path to find that smoking gun which will completely vindicate Russia and the tumbleweed's toady sycophants who are currently serving terms in prison for corruption and criminal behavior.

There are lots of them So when liddlebillybarr eradicates everything that was done he will have to undo undue those consequent punishments too and that will take up a lot of time. Time is not his friend.

If you think this is an appropriate way to spend your tax dollars please say AYE. If not well what can you do when the investigator himself (liddle billybarr) is fueled by crackpots energized by wingnuts driven by fruitcake ingredients and is the biggest nut of all except for the tumbleweed?

Now liddlebillybarr theoretically is one heckuva smart accomplished talented respected guy. IN WHAT UNIVERSE? Lookingglass? Rabbit hole? Oz?

Posted - October 20, 2019


  • 46117
    Too much money Too much ego and too many idiots letting it happen.  Everyone with money who needed the Trump train forgot about the purpose of the job and just JUMPED on. The credentials were the same as any mob boss would demand to stay in power.  LOYALTY and a certain set of skills that were coded language for I AM A CON AND A LIAR AND WE NEED TO PROTECT ONE ANOTHER and I AM READY TO SELL MY SOUL FOR YOU.

    (see James Comey's invitation to DINNER from Mr. President)  THE DEVIL.  THE MOB BOSS.  THE LOSER THAT'S GOING TO JAIL. This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at October 20, 2019 7:08 AM MDT
      October 20, 2019 7:01 AM MDT

  • 113301
    The grinding down continues on unabated. There is no end to it. The more you think you see a light at the end of a tunnel the more you know it is another train heading straight for you. I like that. I'm gonna ask. Thank you for your reply Sharon.
      October 20, 2019 7:10 AM MDT

  • 46117
    Rosie, you have to check this article out.  It reads like a documented book, and it lays out EVERY crime this moron has committed since he started his path to nefarious success.

    I research articles all the time and THIS is the one I will go to from now on any time My 2 Cents has a word of praise for this animal,  Check it out, Rosie, it's a goldmine.  It is not that you do not know all of this?  It is just put in such an organized fashion and it lays out what he did and what the consequences are. It's GOOD!

    Your welcome. This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at October 20, 2019 7:10 AM MDT
      October 20, 2019 7:08 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Thanks for the link Sharon. Remember your book about the tumbleweed written by the guy who experienced him first-hand? Keith Olbermann? Neither one of us could get through it. You kindly loaned it to me and I began to read it and then after a few pages I set it aside. For over a year. Then I returned it to you via Old School with a note of apology for keeping it so long and never being able to pick it up again. Did you ever read it in its entirely? Well I'm wondering if this link is gonna do the same thing? Did you get through it? I'll click on it in awhile. Just not right now. Each day I reach my limit of being able to tolerate tumbleweed and I don't want to reach it this early! :)
      October 20, 2019 7:14 AM MDT

  • 46117
    Yeah, I got mad for a sec because you gave it back. LOL  But I did the same thing.  I wanted the book and when I got it, it made me ill.  I'm sure it made Olbermann so ill, he went nuts.  Poor Keith.  I loved that man when he was on TV denouncing Bush.  But this was too much for him.  He was a great voice to me.  He just lost it.  I gave that book to you.  I never expected you had to return it.  I wouldn't do that.  

    But, that is not important.  You got to see it and I agree, I just could not get through it.  But it will make a great reference to now because KEITH WAS RIGHT.  HE IS NOT GOING TO MAKE IT THROUGH HIS FIRST TERM.   Keith knew back then.  I had my doubts, but Keith knew.
      October 20, 2019 7:19 AM MDT

  • 1441
    There has been no russia meddling in the election.... 

    Putin said it as a joke 

      October 20, 2019 1:53 PM MDT