The extreme right-wing nimnut crackpot conspiracy theory imbeciles. Yep. The liddlebillybarr is following every nitwit halfwit dimrit up every torturously crooked path to find that smoking gun which will completely vindicate Russia and the tumbleweed's toady sycophants who are currently serving terms in prison for corruption and criminal behavior.
There are lots of them So when liddlebillybarr eradicates everything that was done he will have to undo undue those consequent punishments too and that will take up a lot of time. Time is not his friend.
If you think this is an appropriate way to spend your tax dollars please say AYE. If not well what can you do when the investigator himself (liddle billybarr) is fueled by crackpots energized by wingnuts driven by fruitcake ingredients and is the biggest nut of all except for the tumbleweed?
Now liddlebillybarr theoretically is one heckuva smart accomplished talented respected guy. IN WHAT UNIVERSE? Lookingglass? Rabbit hole? Oz?